Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

42 Years On-Air!

Episode Summary

Today marks the 42nd anniversary of Joni Eareckson Tada on the radio! Tune in to celebrate this exciting time for the radio ministry of Joni and Friends and hear Joni introduce a new friend on-air.

Episode Notes

Today marks the 42nd anniversary of Joni Eareckson Tada on the radio! Tune in to celebrate this exciting time for the Joni and Friends radio ministry  and hear Joni introduce a new friend on-air.


Meet Joni's Friends, Shauna:

Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: Well Joni, we’re recording a very special anniversary today!

            JONI: We sure are Shauna. Today marks 42 years that I’ve been recording this radio program! Amazing, huh?

SHAUNA: Yes, it is!

JONI: And when I look back and listen to those early programs I recorded when I was only 32 years old –the first thing I noticed is, yikes, my voice sounds so much younger. And the next thing I noticed was God was teaching me some pretty amazing things in my early 30s. Yet even in 1982, I realized [even back then] God had blessed me with an incredible opportunity [this!] to be on the radio. And I was just a kid in a wheelchair. And now? I am an old lady in a wheelchair! But I am still learning so many fresh insights from the Bible and my hardships. And so, although my voice sounds older – do I sound older Shauna?

SHAUNA: You sound wiser.

JONI: Thank you. I’ll keep sharing hope in Christ on the radio. Some things just don’t change. But some things do change. And my friends listening have been hearing the change whenever you, Shauna, have a chance to come to this microphone. Because I have only got so many miles left on this wheelchair, and Shauna you’re going to help me share the hope of Christ as we move forward, right?

SHAUNA: Yes, ma’am.

JONI: Now, I'm not going anywhere listening friend. As long as I’m in good health I’ll still be recording radio. But I have got Shauna here today to explain a little more about – well, Shauna you explain your new role on our broadcast, okay?

            SHAUNA: Okay Joni. Well, I am so happy to be here! Thanks for inviting me to be on the other side of this microphone. And you know, as the mom of a daughter with disabilities, well Joni, you know your radio ministry has blessed me, and encouraged me, and given me strength to face some of my darkest days. Well you know, when my daughter Sarah has yet another health crisis because of her heart defect, or when the school calls me again because of her behavior issues, or boy, when some other kids make fun of her because she has Down syndrome. 

            JONI: Oh, my goodness.

SHAUNA: You know these things break my heart, Joni. So in that way, we both understand tough hardships and we also know how much the Word of God holds us together, giving us hope for tomorrow. That's why I have so much passion for your radio ministry!

JONI: Well, Shauna, I’ve asked you because of all these things to play a rather important role in the future of this program. But I want our listeners to hear you describe it.

SHAUNA: Oh well,Joni, you know, all of us here at the ministry – we’re amazed at the many things you accomplish, despite your pain, despite your age, and your disability. So, in the future, when you might have a difficult time recording these powerful messages. Well, our listeners will still be able to tune in and hear your voice. Because I will be digging back into our vast archives, and I’ll be pulling out some of your best messages that have blessed listeners over the years! 

JONI: Well, thank you for that!

SHAUNA: Yes, ma’am! And when our friends tune in, they’ll hear me giving just a little introduction, and a brief conclusion. But the rest? It’ll be all you, Joni – opening up your heart, as you always do here on Sharing Hope.

JONI: And Shauna, it means the world that this station wants to keep airing my messages. And I am so grateful for that. And I’m grateful for you, too, Shauna. 42 years ago, I never dreamed I’d have so much to say! But of course, we never tire about talking of Jesus, do we?

SHAUNA: No, we don’t andthat’s just one of the many things I love about you, Joni, and what I love about this ministry. So, listening, friend, keep on listening and join us next time as Joni shares hope for your hardships. And as we love to say: 

JONI: We love to say it!

[SHAUNA & JONI]: Onward and upward!


© Joni and Friends