Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

A Heavenly Party

Episode Transcription

Let me ask you something:  how would you describe heaven to someone who has never heard about it or read about it in God's Word?  Sometimes when I want to paint a picture of what heaven will be like – especially for those who don’t believe in God – I borrow the words of Isaiah 25, where God himself sets the scene.  He says, “On this mountain – the mountain of the Lord – the Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine – the best of meats and the finest of wines.” 

Wow. When I have read that verse from the Bible to people, they look at me and go “Huh?”  Never in their lives have they heard such a thing.  The idea of heaven, to them, before hand, was nothing but a bunch of ghostly-looking saints sitting around on clouds surrounded by angels plucking harps.  They never thought heaven could be so… earthy… or is it heavenly?!

But the point is – and I tell people who don’t know Jesus this – the point Isaiah is trying to make is that heaven is going to be rock-solid real!  Much more real than anything we can see, touch or taste on this earth.  It’s not just meat… it’s the best of meats; it’s not just wine… it’s the finest of wines.  Everything will be far better than anything we ever tasted or experienced on earth.  I tell these unbelievers, I say, “You know, the most beautiful, pleasurable thing one could enjoy here on this planet, they’re just nothing but hints and whispers, omens and foreshadowings of even greater, more glorious things yet to come… pleasures of earth are just shadows of realities to come in heaven.” 

And then I say, “I can’t wait! I’m gonna jump up out of this wheelchair and I’m going to sit back down at the wedding supper of the Lord. There will be Moses toasting Martin Luther and King David giving a hug to the prophet Daniel.  I'll look up and walking toward me will be my father and my mom, my mom and dad, and before you know it, I’m going to fall into their arms, we’ll break up into laughter, we will wipe our tears, we’ll try to stop, then start laughing again and crying. “We’re here… they’re here… look at everybody! Everybody’s here!”  And Jesus Christ will open our eyes to the great fountain of love in his heart for us. Beyond all that we ever experienced on earth, and when we finally stop laughing and crying, Jesus himself really will wipe away our tears.

And then I say to these unbelievers, “I can’t wait for heaven, but are you prepared for it?  Are you ready to meet your Maker?  It’s a holy place for holy inhabitants… may I explain how you can get ready?” 

I tell you what, friend; if you don’t believe… today is the day of salvation for you.  Put behind you the pride that separates you from the Prince who secured your peace… put behind you the sin that separates you from your Savior.  Heaven’s coming… it’s real.  And I really want you to be there.


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