Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

A New Thing

Episode Summary

Tell the world more about salvation in Jesus Christ. Make that your “new thing” this year!

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

January is half over and I wonder, how’s that new thing you started?

Like, the new thing you resolved to do this year. Maybe you committed to a new Bible reading plan, or you resolved to memorize more Scripture. It’s a big deal to leave behind old habits and start something new. Cutting down on calories, going vegan, laying off desserts, getting healthy – it all could be your new thing for the new year. And you know what? God even says, “Behold I am doing a new thing!” [And he punctuates that with an exclamation mark].

This is how Isaiah 43 puts it: it says, I the Lord will do this, I who “makes a way in the sea, a path in the mighty waters, who brings forth chariot and horse, army and warrior; they are extinguished, quenched like a wick…” Does that sound familiar? Like, he wants us to forget about the parting of the Red Sea in which he rescued his people out of bondage and slavery? I mean, that’s huge! But God says in Isaiah 43, Forget that! “Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing.”

“Now, wait a minute,” you might say. “What could be more amazing than the parting of the Red Sea to rescue people who are enslaved?” Well, how about the Son of God parting the heavens to come and rescue his people out of their bondage and slavery to sin?! That’s the “new thing” that God is talking about in Isaiah. Salvation in Jesus Christ makes everything else that God ever did for his people pale in comparison. So, do not consider the old way God did things. No, it’s all about Jesus. It’s all about telling people – people enslaved to sin – it’s telling them about Christ. So, yes, you could be on a great Bible reading plan [I know that Ken Tada and I are doing that this year], or you could be memorizing Scripture, losing weight, getting healthy – but all these things pale in comparison unless we are telling our sin-sick world about salvation in Jesus Christ. That should be your new thing this year!

And it’s what I am committed to afresh every new year. I’m leaving behind the successes of last year, and we at Joni and Friends are doing new things in new countries among people we’ve never met. Because we don’t want people to remain enslaved by their sin nor feeling enslaved by a disability—Christ has come to rescue them from hopelessness. And we are bringing Gospel-joy and practical help to worn-out, weary families, holding more than 1300 Family Retreats and Getaways in the US next year and across the world. And 16 Joni’s House programs in new countries. And 62 Wheels for the World outreaches into new nations like Argentina and Zambia, and Chile, and Nepal. 

And with every program, we’re going to be sharing “the new thing” God intended in Isaiah 43; giving practical help and hope in Jesus to families who are really struggling. And friend, I want you to get started this year with that “Isaiah 43” attitude. Don't expect the Lord to do the same thing in your life in exactly the same way as last year. Get involved with the new thing God is doing in your community—volunteer, pray, give, sign up, serve with your church or come and serve with Joni and Friends. As together we give Gospel-joy and practical help to weary, worn-out families worldwide. Find out how at


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