Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

A Rock in the Storm

Episode Summary

Joni shares a story about a storm crashing on a rock at Big Sur and compares the rock to Jesus: immovable and fixed. Although the storm is raging all around, the Rock remains steadfast. Place your confidence in him, and you will not be moved, despite all of life’s storms.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, always giving hope in your hardship!

And it’s amazing what hope we can draw from simple stories. Like recently I was watching a video of a mighty storm off the coast of Big Sur here in California. It created massive waves, one after another, pounding against this huge granite rock along the coast there. The waves would crash against this one colossal rock that loomed high above all the others –the waves were so big, so powerful, they’d crash, sending foam and spray everywhere, completely enveloping that rock, making it disappear, even if for an instant. And as I watched the huge waves in this video, you know, you just couldn’t help but think – every time one would break upon this granite monolith – you’d think, Man, that’s the end of that rock!  But in the next instant, right, waters would recede, and there it was, the granite pillar: still standing, still large and looming. Then it would disappear again in another crashing wave, one after another, relentlessly pounding with incredible force, but not a one, not all of those waves piled together, even had a inch of a chance of moving that rock. Even with all that pounding, the rock did not budge an iota. 

As I watched the video, the metaphor wasn’t lost on me: that gigantic rock seemed, to me, to be like the rock in the desert from which water flowed into God’s thirsty people. That rock back in the Old Testament; that rock was Christ. 1 Corinthians 10 even says so. Speaking of the Israelites wandering in the desert, Paul writes that “all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ.” Wow. He’s a mighty rock, he is. An unshakeable rock that cannot be moved, budged, or diminished, no matter what. That’s our Savior, Jesus. And when stormy trials assault you, one after another after another, you’ve got Christ, ‘cause he’s indwelling, right? You’ve got Christ your Rock to keep you steady. But, just how steady? Well, listen to this. Now, get this, because it’s really amazing.

God says in Isaiah 28:16, “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a costly cornerstone… firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.” Okay, now let me unpack that. Just like those waves pounding against the huge rock at Big Sur? If you place your confidence in Christ your Rock, the promise is, you will not be disturbed. No matter how many storms sweep across you. You will not be troubled or distressed. You need not even worry. Why? Well, here is why: Psalm 125 says, "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion which cannot be shaken." Mount Zion is another big rock that refers to Jesus. And it means that when you lay hold of that rock which is immovable, fixed, solid, sure, Jesus Christ, get this, you partake of that same immovable “fixedness.” In other words, “those who trust in the Lord” become just as fixed, just as immovable; you become “like Mount Zion which cannot be shaken.” Oh, friend, that is amazing hope in your hardship today! You become part of that on which you lay hold! You and the Rock are one: and you will not, you cannot be budged as long as you are trusting in the Lord Jesus and holding fast to him.

Today, if you would but cling to the rock that is higher than you, you will have peace, safety, security, rest, stability, steadiness, and firmness. All the qualities of Jesus Christ are yours as you cling to him, the rock. Do that and waves of trials will never overwhelm you.


© Joni and Friends