Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

A Very important Date

Episode Summary

Celebrate with Joni what once was the ruin of her life – that’s now become God’s greatest use of her life for his glory.

Episode Notes

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Joni’s Story: Discovering Hope that Endures – When Joni was paralyzed in a diving accident at the age of seventeen, she quickly understood her life would never be the same. But what she didn’t know was how God would use her story to affect the lives of millions of people from across the globe. This little book is full of biblical truths and important lessons Joni has learned along the way. No matter your situation, you’ll be encouraged as you discover Jesus’ faithfulness in the midst of life’s challenges. As Joni learned, sometimes God permits what he hates to accomplish what he loves—and in that, there is hope enough to last a lifetime.Use the coupon code: 

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Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: This is Shauna on Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope. You know, Joni, I know today is a very important day.

JONI: Oh, Shauna, it sure is. It’s hugely significant because 57 years ago today I took that dive into shallow water, and I broke my neck. And what I thought was the ruin of my life—becoming a quadriplegic—was the beginning of God’s greatest use of my life; he chose the thing I despised for his glory and that, to me, is what I am celebrating on this anniversary. Now, I’ve had a long time to think about why God chose a broken neck for me. And yes, it’s clear that God used my quadriplegia to transform me and give me a greater love for Jesus. But God saw far beyond that. When I broke my neck, he was seeing millions of others suffering from terrible accidents, illnesses, and injuries.

When God wrote that diving accident into the script for my life, I believe he was thinking of the Ugandan eight-year-old with spina bifida locked in a chicken coop while her grandparents go to work. He was thinking of the stroke survivor languishing on a bed all day behind a storefront in El Salvador. God saw the disabled veteran and his failing marriage. He saw the lonely young paraplegic relegated to a nursing home. And God’s heart was stirred when he saw the many parents who must lock doors and windows to prevent their kids with autism from escaping at night.

And God also saw Hadi, a 14-year-old boy in the country of Jordan who has autism and cerebral palsy. Hadi cannot speak, but he’s got a wonderful smile—it’s how he communicates with his aging mother and father. And, oh, does his father care for Hadi! Because the boy wakes up multiple times during the night and needs to be repositioned, and his elderly father must stay by Hadi’s side while the rest of the family sleeps. But Hadi’s dad is not able to carry his growing son much anymore. He’s just getting too old. And its why father and son came to our Wheels for the World outreach. And you should see the wonderful little wheelchair that we fit to Hadi [I’ve posted a photo of him in his new set of wheels today at; so please come and see it, it’s just great]! This new wheelchair means that Hadi’s aging father doesn’t need to carry him anymore. And when we gave dad the Joni book in Arabic, he was so excited. He loves Americans and told us he’ll happily read my book aloud to Hadi and the family. I was thrilled to hear this. Because Hadi and his family will now hear the gospel. They will hear the truth about Jesus and his saving love.

            Yes, my broken neck was the beginning of God’s greatest use of my life; because from my accident, God launched Joni and Friends to reach thousands of disabled people with his good news. The need is still enormous though and so God is constantly saying to us at Joni and Friends, “Go quickly into the streets and alleys… bring in the poor, the crippled, and the lame.” That’s our Savior’s vision in Luke 14. And it’s why on this day [the anniversary of my diving accident], I am thanking God for a broken neck. So, be sure to visit to see a photo of Hadi in his new wheelchair. And while you’re there, ask for my new mini book called Joni’s Story; it’s a great evangelism tool that we give along with wheelchairs and Bibles. This gift is yours at And finally, would you please celebrate with me—what was once the ruin of my life, has become God’s greatest use of my life, and it’s all for his glory. Hey, there’s lots of good things waiting for you at


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