Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

After Easter

Episode Transcription

On this day, a little over 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem,  I tell you what – rumors were flying!

Just yesterday some of the women reported an empty tomb.  Others spoke of visions and angels, but these accounts only confused the two disciples from Emmaus.  It may have been the day after Resurrection Sunday, but they weren’t sure that anybody had actually seen Jesus.  The two of them hung around Jerusalem as long as they could, waiting for solid evidence, and, finally, near the end of the day, the two men shrugged their shoulders, packed their duffle bags, and headed for home.

And you know the story from there.  Jesus intruded into their lives on that homeward journey.

The men listened intently, their hearts warmed by the words of this man who walked with them.  They wanted to hear more, yet as they neared their village, Jesus acted as if He were going on further.  But they just couldn’t let this stranger walk off into the twilight.  The two men from Emmaus urged Him, “Please stay with us,” they asked.  They all entered a room and sat down continuing their conversation.  Someone placed bread before them on the table. And who knows, perhaps someone else may have asked this strange guest to give thanks.  And He did.  It was a beautiful prayer.   But to the two men sitting there - what was it about that voice?  What was it about those strong hands and the way He broke bread? What did it remind them of?  The crowd, the hillside, the baskets of loaves. 

Suddenly it hit them; their eyes were opened; and they recognized Jesus. They were absolutely shocked.

But they did not have long to ponder the scene, for as soon as they recognized Jesus, He disappeared.  At that moment, the two disciples jumped up and returned at once to the other disciples in Jerusalem. They arrived, out of breath, sweaty, and explaining it all to them.  But suddenly even they were interrupted – Jesus appears out of nowhere and says, “Peace be with you.”  Once again, Jesus surprised those two disciples from Emmaus.   He had leaped ahead of them, waiting to spring His own version of “hello!”

You know, I think those days right after the resurrection shows something marvelous about our Lord.  He is the God of surprises.  Catching people off guard, showing up at times when you’d least expect, walking right into the middle of your habits and your schedule and your life, springing on you His own version of “hello!”

If God shows up wanting to break bread with you.   If God shows up to surprise you, to reveal Himself in some fresh, personal way, would you please today welcome Him in.  He’s got plenty more surprises in store, and all of them are for your good and His glory.


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