Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Agree in the Lord

Episode Transcription

Oh, to have labored alongside the apostle Paul! I wonder what it was like to listen to his preaching, share his passion, pray beside him, and follow him high and low, always contending for the faith.  Surely the espirit d’corps that surrounded him was strong, unswerving, and sweet. 

There were two women named Euodia and Syntyche who were a part of that special fellowship.  They were the rare few who were in that exceptional circle of intimate Christian friends.  These two women were dear companions of Paul and they fought valiantly beside him for the cause of the Gospel.  These two women faced the same opposition and risks to their lives, the same hardships and struggles.  Like Paul, they spread the Gospel everywhere they went.

But listen to what Paul says about them in Philippians 4:1-3.  He tells the Philippians that they should stand firm in the Lord.  And then he adds, “I plead with Euodia and I plead with Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you, loyal yokefellow, help these women who have contended at my side in the cause of the Gospel….”

Now as a woman, I find that very interesting… that thing about Euodia and Syntyche.  Because somehow, these two girls lost their focus.  There they were in the innermost intimate circle surrounding Paul and things degenerated between them… maybe there was a disagreement or some sort of an offense… whatever, these two sisters in Christ started knocking heads. News of their haranguing and berating of each other even reached the ears of Paul who was in prison. 

Didn’t they realize that would happen?  Weren’t they thinking?  These two Christians forgot their purpose.  They didn’t consider how their shenanigans would wound not only those around them, but how their haranguing would hurt the apostle.  Their disagreement terribly deflated others. Most of all, it was obvious that to them, the Gospel took a back seat – their dispute was more important to them!

Well, the apostle Paul addresses these two women with the command, “Stand firm.”  Recapture your passion, reclaim the vision, recall your focus!  There’s no upper echelon of saints who are allowed to become disagreeable.  No one is permitted to kick back, relax, take it out of gear and become argumentative – not even Euodia and Syntyche. 

So okay, girls.  Anyone see yourselves in this story today?  If you are knocking heads with someone, remember – it wounds and hurts others.  It pushes the Gospel to the back.  It deflates passion and clouds vision.  So ladies, may I say, stand firm.   Recapture the passion.  And remember the apostle’s advice later on in that same chapter: “Do everything without complaining or arguing.”  After all, he has called us to glorify the Savior. 


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