Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Alexa, Be My Caregiver

Episode Summary

God is your eternal refuge. And with his everlasting arms underneath you? He will not drop you or let you fall through the cracks.

Episode Transcription

When you’re disabled, it’s not easy to find a good caregiver.

            Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and sometimes you can’t find one at all. Take my friend Vicky who has lived with quadriplegia for almost fifty years. She was shot in an assault and has lived in a wheelchair all this time. But Vicky is my best friend when it comes to sharing the challenges of life-long paralysis. And what draws us together is that we both love the Lord Jesus. When we are on the phone together, we share our needs – things like pressure sores, wounds that won’t close, chronic pain, the inability to sleep, and wheelchair cushions that don’t do a good job. We also talk about our need for caregivers. All these things – all of them – we always lift up to God in prayer. 

            Well, recently, Vicky had a problem finding overnight help. Her regular overnight caregiver had to leave to tend to a family issue; and it meant that Vicky had no one to help during the night. You know, someone who could reposition her, or turn on the fan if the room got too hot. But I just received this text from her, and it so blessed me, I thought I’d share it with you. She says to me, “Joni, I’m learning more and more to be by myself at night. I actually enjoy it. Nights can be challenging, and so, thank goodness for Alexa [that’s an electronic device]; thank God for Alexa who can turn my TV on and off, turn my lights on, my fan on and off. And Alexa can even make phone calls if I need to get ahold of someone in an emergency. Alexa is my night assistant. Isn’t God good!”

            Okay. I have never heard of a device like Alexa be used as a proxy for a caregiver. But if there’s nobody else around to help, as Vicky says, how good of God to provide at least electronic help. Now that touches me deeply. And I understand what Vicky is saying. When I am alone, like when Ken is off to the grocery store or he has to leave early in the morning; when I’m alone, I make certain that my iPhone is fully charged and positioned near me. So I can always say “Hey Siri, call my neighbor.” Or, “Hey Siri, dial 9-1-1, my house is on fire [hopefully not].” 

            Now, is God short-changing Vicky and me? Not at all. At least for an interim period, we have the help we need. It may not be exactly what we want, but God has given us what we need. And besides, my disabled friend Vicky and I both lean on Deuteronomy 33:27 that says, “The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Vicky and I love that Bible verse because God is our eternal refuge. And with his everlasting arms underneath of us? He will not drop us. We will not fall. We will not slip through the cracks or his fingers. In those times when we are alone with no physical ability to help ourselves, God is our help. He’s our ever-present help to be there if trouble comes. And when we trust him with this? Oh, does it give God glory. Vicky and I have the chance to add so much weight to his glory.

            Today is Vicky’s birthday and I am celebrating one of the most extraordinary women I’ve ever met. I am celebrating her perseverance, her bright spirits despite so many obstacles. And I’d like you to see a photo of Vicky and me. I’ve posted a snapshot at Again, look at our smiles at And hey, even post happy birthday wishes to Vicky today on my Facebook page. That’s your good word today from Joni Eareckson Tada Sharing Hope.


© Joni and Friends