Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Are You Lost?

Episode Transcription

It was one of those days when I felt so sad, so lost, that I couldn’t hide it.  I forget where I was — in an airport somewhere — and I even forget what it was that had gotten me so down.  All I can remember is that I had lost my emotional equilibrium, lost my sense of spiritual direction, I had lost the joy.

My husband and friend were outside by the curb checking in our luggage.  I had wheeled inside the airport to escape the cold wind.  All bundled up with a duffle bag on my foot pedals and a shopping bag and sweaters piled on my lap, I must have looked pretty pitiful... and it didn’t help that I lacked a smile.  I recall sitting there and half-staring at an older woman who was mopping the airport floor.  Any other time I would have struck up a conversation and asked her about herself, but not this time.  I sat numb and expressionless. 

The woman wrung out her mop, slung her bucket on her cart, and began to push it in my direction.  She paused before she passed me by, and asked, “Ma’am, are you lost? Do you need help?”

Her question stung.  I was suddenly jarred out of my self-pity and I answered, “Oh, no, thank you.  I’m just waiting for my husband. He’s checking in our luggage at the curb.” She smiled and went on her way. 

I sat there amazed at the question she asked. I wanted to say, “Yes, I am lost. I do need help.  I am hurting so badly.”  Her question hit home, and it hit hard. Actually, looking back, I believe that woman was sent by God.  For it says in Matthew 18:11‑12, "For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.  What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety‑nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying?”

God came searching for me that day at the airport. I had strayed away in my heart and head, but thank the Lord, he’s in the ministry of saving that which is lost. Yes, sometimes even Christians — bona fide believers — can lose their way.  When you already know Christ, it doesn’t take much to be found.  A word from a friend, a call from a sister in the Lord, a letter, a chance meeting, a timely question fitly spoken — sometime spoken by a stranger, like the cleaning woman at the airport.

Are you lost?  Do you need help today?  Are you straying somewhere in your heart?  Wandering off in your head?  Is self-pity leading you down a dark path?  Jesus came for people like you, people like me.  He came expressly to save that which is lost and he’ll search high and low until you find your way back.  I knew that without a shadow of a doubt as our plane took off that day... and looking back at the airport as we took off that day, I thanked my God he sent a cleaning woman to remind me.


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