Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Brought In

Episode Summary

If you know someone in a wheelchair who is languishing, connect and minister to them – follow the mandate of Jesus in Luke 14. Bring the disabled in.

Episode Transcription

I’ve got a great story on how the church really helps when people hurt! 

              Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and thanks for joining me today for Sharing Hope where I always love telling stories that inspire and refresh and help cast a vision for the church. And this story begins with an email that came into Joni and Friends from a quadriplegic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; the quad’s name was Kim Yap Soon. Kim broke his neck in a motorcycle accident several years ago and through it, he met a missionary who led him to Christ. Kim was amazed to think that God might have a plan for his life in a wheelchair. And the missionary, bless his heart, spent a lot of time with Kim, teaching and encouraging him in the Word. But then, the missionary moved on and Kim, after a while, sank into depression. 

              That’s when he emailed me. The missionary had told this young quadriplegic in Malaysia all about my story and had even given him the Joni book in English. Kim soaked it all in and was fascinated that there was another quadriplegic on the other side of the world who might really identify with his plight. But when he emailed me, most of his message described a young man steeped deep in depression. I wrote him back, shared with him some practical tips on dealing with paralysis, and given that he was a believer, encouraged him to consider taking online Bible courses from But, Kim couldn’t be convinced. he felt like he was all alone; like no one cared. And that’s when I got an idea.

              You see, way back in the year 2007, I had traveled to Malaysia, and, in fact, I had spoken at a big church on the north side of Kuala Lumpur. So I thought, why not write the pastor? I had talked about disability ministry when I had spoken at his church. Why not alert him of this young man’s needs?! I wondered, though, I mean, it had been years since I had been to Malaysia. Maybe the pastor had moved on; maybe the church wouldn’t remember my message; I mean, it had been eight years ago. But I decided to give it a try. I went back in my dictating files and I found the pastor’s name and the address of the Malaysian church. I described Kim Yap Soon to the pastor, asking please if his church could help put the words of Jesus in Luke 14 into practice in the life of this depressed quadriplegic’s life. Was there someone, was there anyone from that church who might take an interest in this young man?

              Well, I courageously wrote Kim Yap Soon and told him what I had done. he at first was pretty skeptical. But then, about two weeks later, I received another email. Someone from that church had visited him. And he was so excited. And around the same time, I received a letter from the pastor – a couple of deacons in his church had decided to take Kim Yap Soon under their wing; they were even going to hold a Bible Study in his home. Well, I had to laugh out loud, I was so excited! It was a long shot, but this church in Malaysia had made good on Jesus’ mandate to go out, find the disabled, and bring them in. The next step? Kim Yap Soon is starting his online study program with and I couldn’t be happier.

              You know? A story like this thrills my heart – the seeds were planted eight years ago and these seeds were bearing fruit after all. And it’s not only happening in Malaysia; it’s happening right here in the states. If you know someone in a wheelchair who is languishing, connect them; minister to them; follow the mandate of Jesus in Luke 14. Bring the disabled in. And if you need help knowing how to do just that, go today, to


© Joni and Friends