Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Butterfly Art

Episode Summary

Butterflies are a stunning picture of the new life you have in Jesus. The old has gone, and the new has come! That is reason for celebration.

Episode Transcription

“If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come.” 

“[And] The old has gone [and] the new is here!” Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and you will recognize that Bible verse from 2 Corinthians 5. The old has gone. And in Christ, you’re a brand-new creation, the new is here! Man, that’s such a hope-filled truth! No longer dead in our sins, we’re now children of the living God, all because of Jesus Christ. But sometimes this world, our flesh, and our adversary, and our old sinful nature with which we still deal, all of it can make us forget that stunning reality that it is “no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us.” And so, God gives us a striking reminder – and everywhere we look, we see these reminders. I am talking about the butterfly. What a powerful reminder from God that the old has gone and the new is here. My goodness, we would forget; we would be numb to the power that is ours in the resurrection were it not for those winged little creatures!

For when a caterpillar dissolves itself inside its chrysalis, the old is gone; it’s no more. And when it breaks free of its chrysalis, it has become something totally different, a beautiful, delicate butterfly ready for flight; it’s a new creature; a fascinating picture of the resurrection. It’s a portrait of new life, fresh and at its fullest. And just like those brand-new butterflies that emerge from their chrysalises must have strength and energy pumped into their wings before they can fly, we are the same. For we may be a new creation in Christ, but we need his strength, we need his energy to learn how to fly. And when that brand-new butterfly finally takes off, there’s nothing more beautiful! And that’s us, as well. Free in Christ to soar where we have never gone before; to go where our old little caterpillar-self couldn’t even imagine. Because the old has passed away and behold, all things are new.

Our great Creator God knew that we would have to be reminded of that, and so he gave us butterflies. Even Job 12:7-8 says, “Ask… the birds in the sky, and they will tell you…or [ask] the fish in the sea[. They will] inform you.” In other words, God created the butterfly to tell us something, to inform us about something. And I believe it’s the power of the resurrection to make us free in Christ. Some time ago, I painted a large original of this very thing; it’s a watercolor with pen and ink and I love it so much that I chose this butterfly painting for the cover of next year’s Joni planner. This fragile little creature with glorious gossamer wings reminds you, it reminds all of us, that we have the potential – like nothing else in all creation – to reflect the majesty of God. 

You’re a new creation in Christ and every morning can be a fresh start. Your faith can soar to new heights with a new release of Spirit-blessed energy. You can fly high, pressing toward the goal to win the prize of God's heavenly calling. And I’d love for you to take a look at my painting that I call “New Life,” for in it, I highlight all the stages of the butterfly’s development. Visit to see this special rendering. I’ve also provided a link to the 2023 planner itself; the theme of 2 Corinthians 5 is woven throughout. Because I want you to remember something as you see this butterfly poised for flight. It’s you. Better yet, it is Christ in you! See it all at


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