Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Celebrate God's Power in Trials

Episode Summary

Reject every thought about feeling ashamed of being weak. When you do, each trial will become a blessing in your life.

Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: This is Shauna on Joni Eareckson Tada Sharing Hope. Aren’t you grateful God's power shows up in your weakness? Joni is absolutely one of those grateful people and she’s got a now word for us today!

JONI: Because back when I was on my feet, back when I was healthy, active, on-the-go, I was definitely not into being weak. I remember when I was on my high school basketball team and I twisted my ankle, I hated having to sit on the sidelines. I couldn’t stand being immobile and having classmates help me with my crutches. I did not want to appear as though I couldn’t do anything, I did not want to come across as weaker than the rest. But now, so many years later after learning to lean hard on Jesus in my wheelchair, I'm the one who is now boasting in her weakness and glorying in the limitations – and believe me, I do not mind having others help me with my disability. I do not mind at all that I cannot “do” the things that I used to do, and, in fact, I am very content to appear weaker than most people. I guess I am very much like Paul who stated in 2 Corinthians 11:30, “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.” Wow! And there’s a good reason why.

You see, right from the start, back when God sent his Son Jesus to earth, he gave us Jesus in all of his weakness. I mean, good grief, even in his birth, Jesus was identifying with our limitations. No red carpets for him; it was all about pain, inconvenience, and hardship. I mean, think about it. Because of the Roman census, Joseph had to travel with Mary all the way from Nazareth to Bethlehem. And that’s no Girl Scout hike! It’s over 60 miles of rough and rugged terrain. Joseph walks on foot, Mary [in her ninth month of pregnancy] jostles this way and that, riding a donkey for three days. Then, when they do get to Bethlehem, the door at the inn is slammed in their face. They’d have to make do with straw and a stable, as they swept aside dirt and manure, so Mary could deliver her child. Oh, friend, this is the way God introduced his Son to the world, making certain that from the very beginning Jesus was “Emmanuel, God with us.” So, look, if Jesus could boast in his weakness, little wonder he invites us to do the same.

But can we do that? Can we push aside the pride and celebrate God’s power in our pain and limitations? Sure, you can. And finally, let me share one more thought about embracing, about boasting in weakness. William Law, a Christian writer from the 1600’s wrote this, he said: “Receive every inward and outward trouble, every disappointment, every darkness and desolation with both your hands, as a blessed occasion of dying to self, and entering into a fuller fellowship with your Savior. Look at no inward or outward trouble in any other way; reject every thought about it; and then every kind of trial and distress will become the blessed day of your prosperity.” So, join me today, receive every inward and outward trouble with both your hands; and do it as an opportunity to enter into a fuller fellowship with the Savior. Reject every other thought about feeling ashamed of being weak. For when you do, each trial will become that blessing in your life.

SHAUNA: Well friend, if you’re anything like me, choosing to boast in your weakness is a daily decision. So, when you need God’s daily encouragement, you’ll be sure to get it at There you’ll find not only this program, but thousands more to give you the boost you need to boast – boast in your weakness, that is. We’ll see you there at!


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