Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Comfort in Suffering

Episode Summary

When you are going through hardships, nothing is better than having a brother or sister in Christ walk alongside you. You are not meant to suffer alone! If you are struggling, reach out to someone in your church. And if you see someone suffering, extend the hope and comfort of Christ.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni with thoughts about the fellowship of suffering.

It is a wonderful feeling when you know that you’re not alone in your hardships. Like when a close friend shares some deep disappointment, and as they describe their pain, you are thinking, “God bless her, I know what she’s talking about. I’ve felt that way, too.” Your heart leaps in recognition doesn’t it, and you just want to hug her and hold her. For you, it is no effort to journey alongside her through her disappointment; to pray for her and just be there for her. It’s because you’ve been there; her struggles are yours. And so is the comfort, even the smiles when you embrace others in the fellowship of suffering. And it is wonderful because, in a way that can be hardly explained, you are participating in the life and the power of Jesus. Amazing! You and your friend are in a camaraderie of sharing in his afflictions. 

You see, when we suffer, no matter how small or great, we are never meant to suffer alone. It’s why there is koinonia – that indescribable comfort of Christ’s presence, the nearness of his help – all through the loving touch of others who understand your hurt. We’re changed by Christ himself as we share burdens and help each other carry our crosses. But it is at this point, that we need to recognize a big difference between our suffering and the suffering that our Lord Jesus went through. Because for Jesus, there was no fellowship in suffering. I think it was someone I once read; he said, “For Jesus, there was only the wooden insensitivity of his disciples, from the first day right up to Calvary. For him, there was only that awful climax of isolation on the cross, even to the point of being forsaken by the Father and abandoned to his blazing wrath. There was no joy in his cross as there can be in ours. Hebrews 12 says that the joy was set before Jesus. In other words, Jesus had to focus on joy that was far, far beyond those ghastly hours. He focused on his future back in heaven and on the salvation of millions of people through history who would trust him.

But you and me? Oh, my goodness, it’s a whole different story. Christians can have joy in afflictions. We can experience comfort when we suffer. We don’t have to be alone when we are in pain. But for our Savior, it was so very different. Far different. And that’s what really touches my heart. It makes me want to love Jesus all the more. Because I do not have to be alone in my hurt. Comfort’s mine. Joy is possible. Fellowship in my suffering is within reach. And it is all made possible by Jesus. So, friend, strengthen yourself in the Lord with these thoughts. You will never experience isolation or abandonment or the dread of being forsaken, as did Jesus. You’ve got fellowship, and it is as close as those brothers and sisters in Christ right there in your church.

Yep, the church is your go-to place, and if you would like to help make your church even more accepting and embracing, especially if you are struggling with a disability, then visit, where I have provided a link to our Church Resources page. Because nobody should suffer alone; it’s why God created spiritual community, your local church. So come explore ways to enrich the fellowship of suffering in your congregation. Visit, and learn about our online studies, downloads, pamphlets, and publications. It’s all there for you at where we sure do love sharing hope through every one of your hardships. These are encouraging words today, right here, for you on Joni and Friends.


© Joni and Friends