Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Determined Unto Glory

Episode Summary

Disappointment and hardships that never seem to let up can easily discourage you. You may be tempted to succumb to defeat or beg to be assigned to an easier battlefield. But you are a soldier who is called to endure and stay strong on the front lines. With Jesus as your captain, your victory is secure!

Episode Notes

Request the poem Joni shared!

Episode Transcription

I love a good poem that invigorates the soul!

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and when I’m hurting, when my spirits are flagging, can’t keep my focus; when the battle seems so long and hard and my heart is weary, God always seems to bring my way a poem that strengthens my resolve and reminds me of the finish line. You know how it is. Affliction and disappointment and hardships that never seem to let up – they can so easily blind you to your purpose for living, your reason for going onward and upward. Well, not long ago my friend Lori Hubert handed this poem to me. She wrote it, and it so refreshed my tired soul. In fact, so much, I felt I had to share it with you. And it’s called “Determined unto Glory.” And Lori writes…


Wars will rage and fights be fought, 

And when at times it seems for naught, 

Remember, soldier, this, thy lot: 

Thou'rt destined for God's glory.


When flaming arrows pierce thy soul, 

Let this remembrance then console:

Our Captain’s ever in control, 

Who giveth grace and glory.


If, fainting in the heat of war, 

Thou art battered, bruised and sore,

Thou mayest wonder what it’s for – 

‘Tis for His praise and glory.


When facing forces of the night, 

Stand thou strong in truth and might,

For to the world thou art a light, 

Shining forth Christ's glory.

When thou shouldst reach thy weakest hour, 

And seest not thy Fortress Tower,

Then thou shalt feel His mighty power, 

Sustaining thee to glory.


Good soldier, press on and endure, 

For the victory is secure.

Be thou steadfast, firm and sure, 

Determined unto glory.


And when thy days on earth are done,

Service ended, battles won,

Thou shalt dwell with God, the Son, 

Beholding full His glory.


That speaks to my heart! Because when I’m feeling worn down by affliction, it’s amazing how my best consolations – they’re like clarion calls, trumpet calls that lift my sights beyond this world. Paul told Timothy to endure hardship like a good soldier, and I want to be a soldier that doesn’t shirk from the frontlines, or retreat to the rear flanks, or decide to go AWOL and thereby, dishearten my fellow soldiers. Uh-uh. I’ve got a responsibility to the Lord Jesus, the Captain of my salvation, as well as to the many people who fight alongside me. The Bible tells me that I can easily discourage the hearts of those around me if I succumb to defeat, throw down the sword, beg to be reassigned to an easier field of battle. And so, I need poetry like this one I just read. I need to be reminded that the glory of God is at stake in my response to suffering.

Hey, if you were blessed by this poem by Lori Hubert, visit my radio page today and ask for your copy, or download it at Lori is the sister-in-law of Greg Hubert, Senior Vice President of our U.S. Ministries here at Joni and Friends. Greg and his wife Gina have three sons with autism, and I know that Lori’s poem has blessed them many times. So, thank you Lori, and bless you for letting me offer your invigorating poem to my friends here listening. Again, get your copy of this inspirational work at And stay strong on the front lines!

By the way, I would love to hear what you are praying about or a favorite Bible verse that you are memorizing. Tell me about it. Just go to my radio page today at Or you can always write me at Joni and Friends, P.O. Box 3333, Agoura Hills, CA 91376. If the Lord has answered some prayer of yours today, guess what? Stop right after we’re done here and tell him thanks. Thanks for joining me for Joni and Friends!


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