Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Do the Things You Can

Episode Summary

When you are struggling with limitations and discouraged by things you cannot do, turn your heart to the Lord. Focus on the things you can do through Christ who gives you strength.

Episode Transcription

This is Joni Eareckson Tada and I invite you to sing with me this beautiful song…


Be still, my soul, the Lord is on thy side

Bear patiently, the cross of grief or pain

Leave to thy God, to order and provide

In every change, he faithful will remain

Be still my soul thy best, thy heavenly friend

Through thorny ways, leads to a joyful end.


You know, there are a lot of things that I cannot do. Many things. That’s often why I have to sing “Be Still My Soul” there’s so much this body can’t do. I can’t walk, I can’t bend, I cannot lift things, I cannot hold the hand of my husband or stoop to pick up something off the floor. I can’t stretch; I can’t skip or run. But many a time my soul has been stilled – “be still my soul” – and it has been quieted through watching others who cannot do the same – listening to others, learning from others who trust the Lord Jesus despite what they cannot do. And this is how I feel about a woman named Zuella who wrote beautiful poems many, many years ago. Zuella sat in her wheelchair, disabled by severe arthritis. There were many things she could not do – like me. And I don’t know, as I read this poem maybe your soul will be stilled and quieted this day if there are things you cannot do. Just listen and learn from Zuella this woman who, so many years ago, wrote a poem called “Submission.”


I cannot walk as others do,

O’er earth’s grass tufted sod;

But oh, in spirit I can walk

As Enoch did, with God.


I cannot run through field and lane,

Or shaded woodland dim;

But oh, with patience I can run

The race of life with him.



I cannot scale as others do

Your mountain’s lofty height;

But I can soar above the world

By faith, to realms of light.


I cannot sail to distant lands,

To serve my Savior there;

But from my wheelchair I can hold

The heathen up in prayer.


I shall not weep nor mourn my loss,

Nor try to understand;

But smiling, I’ll lift my face to God

And do the things I can.


Friend, take a little bit of encouragement from this woman, Zuella, and from this beautiful hymn. There may be lots of things you cannot do, but don’t look at the stuff that’s so tempting to mourn the loss of. No, instead look at the things you can do for you can do all things through Christ today who strengthens you.

Oh, and one more thing – when we serve the needy, we also please God. And it’s why I want you to go over to my radio page today at and ask for our Joni and Friends newsletter. It’s filled with opportunities for you to serve people with disabilities in the name of Jesus. Oh, and I have to add one more – just love Jesus because nothing pleases the Father more.


© Joni and Friends