Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

He Works in Mysterious Ways

Episode Transcription

AL:  Today, our daily radio host, Joni, wants to talk specifically about it. And Joni, what I’m referring to is God's sovereignty - about how “in control” the Lord is. 

JONI:  You’ve got me pegged, Al.  God's ways may be pretty mysterious, but one thing is for sure, He’s in charge of everything! 

AL:  And that is a comfort to you in that wheelchair of yours, no doubt.  Any new thoughts on God's sovereignty you want to share? 

JONI:  Yes, as a matter of fact, my husband and I every night are reading through the Bible in a year; and we came across this verse from Judges 14:3-4.  It’s about Samson, you know, the young, passionate Israelite who although famous for his strength, was a pushover when it came to pretty girls like Delilah.  You’ve got the Bible over there, Al, will you read that verse? 

AL:  Sure. Let’s see, Judges 14, it says of Samson, “His father and mother replied, ‘Isn't there an acceptable woman among your relatives or among all our people?  Must you go to the uncircumcised Philistines to get a wife?’  But Samson said to his father, ‘Get her for me. She's the right one for me.’  His parents did not know that this was from the Lord, who was seeking an occasion to confront the Philistines; for at that time they were ruling over Israel.”

JONI:  Well, thanks for reading that, Al.  Because Ken had some questions about this verse. 

AL:  Me too.

JONI:  Well, he wondered how the idea of Samson marrying an idol-worshipping Philistine could possibly be “from the Lord?”

AL:  That’s a good question, Joni. 

JONI:  Well, Samson and his mother and father assumed that their disagreement was just a matter of matrimony.  But in this verse, we learn that God was behind it all.  He had a higher plan and purpose – a purpose which would ultimately result in a glorious victory over the Philistines.  Samson and his parents never dreamed their little father-and-son talk about the birds-and-the-bees would play a role in foreign affairs!  But God did.  And God allowed Samson to have his own way.  God permitted that man to go ahead and sin, disobey the rules, and “follow his heart” and tie the knot with a girl from a heathen nation.  As far as God was concerned, if Samson was going to sin, well, I tell you what, then the Lord would make certain he would sin in such a way as to fulfill a bigger plan and a higher purpose.  And that was to defeat the Philistines. 

AL:  That’s good.

JONI:  God oversees people’s wicked actions.  Now that’s a big chunk of God’s sovereignty   No sin happens that the Lord does not deliberately permit.  Don’t misunderstand me.  He is not the source of people’s evil deeds, for He despises sin.

AL:  Yet God steers the rebellion already in the hearts of unbelievers so that they unwittingly fulfill His plans and not merely their own. 

JONI:   Wow! I couldn’t have said it better, Al. And friend listening, ponder this awesome aspect of God's sovereignty today, would you?  ’Cause, I tell you, you’ll see that God's plans are always a lot bigger and a lot more perfect than ours! 


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