Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Heart for the Disabled: Barbara and Jaysen

Episode Summary

Barbara and Jaysen could use your encouragement this Valentine's Day! Share the love and hope of Christ with this special needs family as part of the Heart for the Disabled campaign.

Episode Notes

Send your Valentine to Barbara and Jaysen at Joni and Friends, PO Box 3333, Agoura Hills, CA 91376. See their photo at

Episode Transcription

Welcome to our last and best day of Heart for the Disabled week!

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and all this week I’ve been telling stories about families with special needs – most of them very big needs. And I’m hoping you’ve written your note of encouragement and Valentine’s card for one of these precious families. And boy, are you listeners responding! You should see our mail room as we are even now sorting everyone’s letters into separate boxes for each family. But I have one more story to tell. It’s about two more special people who are very dear to my heart. Let me tell you their story.

Barbara is 81 years old. She’s at a stage in her life when most people would be slowing down, taking it easy, maybe taking on a new hobby or spending their savings on a trip or two. But not Barbara. At 81 years old, she is giving her life to her 13-year-old great-grandson, Jaysen, who has cerebral palsy. Now let me explain…

Jaysen’s mother and father left him when he was an infant. They each had their own problems, and neither could handle his disability. And so, from the time he was a baby, Jayson’s grandmother adopted him and raised him. That is, up until he was 6 years old. Then his grandmother suffered a sudden stroke and died, leaving Jaysen without a guardian or anyone to care for his very special needs. And now Barbara, Jaysen’s great-grandmother – yep, you heard me! – she could have removed herself from this situation. She was, after all, at the time, 74 years old! But just like it says in Isaiah 58, Barbara refused to turn her back on her own flesh and blood. She stepped right in. And this great-grandmother pursued and was granted custody of Jaysen and has completely devoted her life to her great-grandson ever since. She cares for Jaysen around the clock and assists with all of his daily routines. Jaysen uses a manual wheelchair, which means that Barbara must transfer his growing body in and out of that wheelchair several times a day. Barbara spends most of her time transporting Jaysen to and from school, and doctor’s appointments, and therapy sessions. 

Now it blessed my heart when I found out that Barbara regularly listens to this radio program. In fact, it was on Joni and Friends where she heard about Family Retreat. And it was an even greater blessing that Barbara and Jaysen were able to attend Family Retreat on a scholarship. Both of them considered our retreat as “a slice of Heaven on earth!” Young Jaysen wants to be a pastor when he grows up. And even though at Family Retreat he loved making new friends, and enjoyed the zipline; he rode the golf cart; he went swimming – his very favorite part was assisting our camp pastor in sharing the salvation message and inviting folks to follow Jesus Christ! Jaysen was even invited to read the Bible upfront during morning worship, and he encouraged everyone in attendance to “come to Jesus!” 

Friend, I know that 81-year-old Barbara and her great-grandson Jaysen would love hearing that you will pray for them. So, write out your favorite Bible verses, include an inspiring poem, maybe even tuck a small gift card right there into your Valentine, and send your cards to Barbara and Jaysen in care of Joni and Friends at PO Box 3333, Agoura Hills, CA 91376. And please send it soon so it’ll arrive in time for Valentine’s Day! If you missed any details, everything is posted right there at Oh, and one more thing – all this week, thank you for having a heart for the disabled! 


© Joni and Friends