Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Heart for the Disabled: Ed and Stephanie

Episode Summary

Ed, Stephanie, and their children could use your encouragement this Valentine's Day! Share the love and hope of Christ with this special needs family as part of the Heart for the Disabled campaign.

Episode Notes

Send your Valentine to Ed and Stephanie at Joni and Friends, PO Box 3333, Agoura Hills, CA 91376. See their photo at

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and it’s Heart for the Disabled week!   

And I’m asking you to make this Valentine’s Day a very special celebration for families struggling with disabilities. I’d like you to write a note of encouragement, send a Scripture or the lyrics to a favorite worship song, maybe even a gift card or a poem – whatever it takes to remind a special needs family that the Lord Jesus loves and takes care of them despite their relentless challenges. Because sometimes the load does get too heavy – it gets too hard to carry by yourself. And today I’d like you to write your note of encouragement to Ed and Stephanie and their six young adult children – two of whom have disabilities. And that is quite a houseful!

And here’s the thing: Stephanie, the mother of these six children – she has multiple sclerosis. As you can imagine, her MS makes running a household and caring for her brood more than challenging, especially since her 17-year-old twin boys, Seth and Micah, have autism. Many parents in Ed and Stephanie’s age group are sending their children to college; they’re making plans to become empty-nesters. But for Ed and Stephanie, that will never be possible due to the intense caregiving demands placed on them. And their daughters, Phoebe and Grace, well, instead of moving out on their own and pursuing careers, they’ve decided to stay home to sacrificially love and care for their brothers, Seth and Micah, because they require around-the-clock supervision. These young men have no safety awareness, and so their sisters have to keep an eye out on them constantly. Seth and Micah are full of non-stop energy at all hours of the day, and if they are unattended, even for a minute, they are out the door and on the run. Seth and Micah are very limited in speech, and they get easily frustrated when they cannot make themselves understood. And all of it takes a dramatic toll on Ed, Stephanie, and their other children.

But when this whole crew attended Family Retreat, they found a community that understands the unique blessings that come with disability. Stephanie calls Family Retreat “heaven on earth!” And the girls, Phoebe and Grace, cried tears of joy when they saw others love their brothers so unconditionally. And Ed, the dad, just hated to leave. He said, “At Family Retreat, I just want to eat up every last bit of marrow on the bone!” And it’s no wonder. Usually, Ed, Stephanie, and their children feel so awkward when they go outside in public as a family. If they’re in a restaurant and the boys act up, it causes a big disruption. It’s understandable that they hardly go out. Because it’s embarrassing; it’s hard, and no one understands. But at Family Retreat, everyone understands. And right now? Ed and Stephanie can’t wait until Family Retreats start back up this summer. It’s a place where they feel accepted and loved. 

But you can give that acceptance and love to this family because they need it right now. So please jot Ed and Stephanie and the children a note, would you? Assure them of your prayers, and then, by all means, please pray! Also, go to where I have posted a photo of this really wonderful family. And be sure to write your card of encouragement today, then send it to Ed and Stephanie in care of Joni and Friends, PO Box 3333, Agoura Hills, CA 91376. Send your note today to ensure it arrives in time for Valentine’s Day. ’Cause this family needs to feel your love! Please don’t delay, and God bless you for having a heart for the disabled and for Ed and Stephanie. 


© Joni and Friends