Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

He'll Dry Your Tears

Episode Summary

When time comes for weeping, comfort yourself with assurances from God's Word. No tear will be wasted. And don't forget to also share your Kleenex.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, the lady who can cry at the drop of a hat. 

              Maybe my heart is just getting more tender with age; but I find I am crying over things I never used to. Like this beautiful theme song to On Golden Pond; this lovely, wistful, haunting melody on the piano. I think I’ve heard it 435 times; it’s even on my “Favorites Playlist”, but still, still when I hear these lovely notes – I hear this song, and I tell you what, I’m already tearing up, I can’t believe it. I think it’s because this song has always reminded me of my mother.

              My mother who, actually, looks a little like Katharine Hepburn who starred in the movie On Golden Pond. But when my mother, Lindy Eareckson, suffered several strokes in her older age, she went through so much pain and loss – and I cry even now to think of the suffering my sweet mother went through. There are many things that make us weep, and suffering is certainly one of them. Earth can be such a hard place. But oh, aren’t you glad that one day, one glorious day, old age and disability and strokes and pain; all of it’s gonna be behind us, thank you Jesus!

              An old devotional book movingly says, "How can God dry your tears in the next world if you have not first wept in this one?" The image of God tenderly wiping away your tears describes a loving and utterly compassionate moment in heaven between you and your Savior. Your earthly sorrows have a profound purpose in eternity. They are setting the stage for God to engage himself wholly and completely in your eternal comfort. No wonder David prayed in Psalm 56:8 for God to, "Put thou my tears into thy bottle…" 

             And God has put your tears into his bottle for a good reason; he is saving them up, so that in eternity, he will pour out his mercy and lavish grace upon you by atoning for every single one of your tears. First, the reason behind your suffering will be made plain as God reveals something so glorious in his purpose, it will completely suffice for all your earthly hurt; it will atone for every disappointment you ‘ve faced. And next, as God dries your tears, it will showcase the intimate, sweet affection of your blessed savior towards you personally, much more so than if you never cry!

             I think it’s so poignant that in heaven where I will finally get back use of my hands and will be able to dry my own tears, I will not have to! The Bible says God will do that for me. Now, I'm not glorifying weeping, but I am making much of the God whose purpose will be exalted, and whose tenderhearted compassion will be glorified through weeping. Soren Kierkegaard said, "In the language of eternity, the suffering that helped you to the highest is certainly not useless. It is useless and unused only if you do not allow yourself to be helped by it to the highest." Oh friend, isn’t it good to know your tears are never gonna be wasted and if you allow God to do his work through your present pain, all the suffering that you’ve wept over will help you to the highest when you get to heaven. 

              When time comes for weeping, comfort yourself with these assurances from God's Word. No tear will be wasted. And don't forget to also share your Kleenex.


© Joni and Friends