Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Hook, Line, and the Red Sea

Episode Summary

The men come for the fishing, but they get so much more. Listen in to this interview between Joni and Ken to find out what they’re talking about.

Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: Welcome to Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope.

JONI: Okay, it’s summertime and around the Tada household that means my husband Ken gets ready to head off to any one of his two or three fly-fishing trips. Ken, welcome to the studio to talk about it.

KEN: Well, thank you Joni, I’m so excited to be here and share with you a little bit about what’s happening.

JONI: And I see you packing up your fly-fishing rods and all your equipment, your line, and your boots, and heading up to Montana. How many men are going to be on that first trip?

KEN: Well, there’s usually eight men per trip and it’s more than the fly- fishing. Fly-fishing is just a bonus. It’s a time with the men.

JONI: Yeah.

KEN: It’s a time to be able to sit on the deck and share and watch the sunset – watch a sunrise. It’s a chance just to be able to share about things that you don’t get a chance to share back home. 

JONI: Well, I’ve seen those photographs of the sunsets and the porch and the really good meals around a big wood table, a log cabin, a vaulted ceiling; deer heads hanging on the wall. It looks like a real man’s retreat.

KEN: Well, you know where we go too – there’s something to be said about standing out there at night and looking at those stars.

JONI: Oh, wow!

KEN: Unbelievable. 

JONI: I bet. Now, I know you’re interested in the hearts of these guys that you take. Most of them know the Lord, but you always want to push them a step further. And you usually do that by having all the men read a certain book. What have you chosen for this year?

KEN: Oh, this year we have a special book. It’s called “The Red Sea Rules.”

JONI: And I think some of our listeners might be familiar with this book. It’s authored by Robert Morgan. And it’s based on the parting of the Red Sea, right?

KEN: From Exodus 14, when God parted the Red Sea. But it has ten questions or ten rules that men are to follow that come from this event.

JONI: Can you tell us at least one of the rules?
KEN: Well, the first one – God means for you to be where you are.

JONI: Yeah. And I think that’s probably referencing where Moses was leading God’s people through Egypt and at some point, he had them stop and circle back around, and camp between these two mountains as it were. And right there they were up against the Red Sea. And all of a sudden, Pharaoh’s army is hot on their heels, and it’s kind of a place for panic.

KEN: Oh, I agree. Whatever life situation, whatever we’re going through, this is where God wants us to be.

JONI: And we can learn to trust him just as those Israelites had to do so, even when they saw Pharaoh’s army coming. It’s hard to trust God when you know you’re about to be slaughtered and you’re backed up against a wall, but there’s always a miracle-working God who comes to our aid.

KEN: Well, you know Joni, oftentimes, the temptation for us is to think that the grass is greener on the other side. But not realizing that whatever the hardship, the turmoil in our lives – it doesn’t matter. This is exactly where God wants us to be.

            JONI: And wait on God, pray. Trust him in what seems to be an overwhelming situation and then let him work, right?
            KEN: Oh, absolutely.

            JONI: Oh, I think God’s going to be at work on your fly-fishing trip and I’m glad you’ve chosen “Red Sea Rules.” Friends, I’ve read the book years ago; it’s a good book, huh Ken?
            KEN: Oh, it’s a great book. And you know, a lot of guys – you know, those guys I was telling you about going fishing; come back from those trips saying: “You know I came to go fly-fishing, but I’m coming back with so much more.”

JONI: So much more faith built up and love for their wives, their spouses, and love for their families and ready to put their life in Christ in practice. Thank you, Ken, for helping these men grow in the Lord and catch some big, fat fish!

KEN: A lot of guys come for the fishing, but they’re the ones that get hooked.

JONI: And thank you for casting them the line with these great books and great time fishing. God bless you, sir.

KEN: Thank you, Joni and thank you for your support because it means a lot. I wouldn’t be able to do these trips without your support.

JONI: Well, this is one way I can cheer you on. Love you, sir!

KEN: Love you, too.


© Joni and Friends