Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Jesus Clean My Soul

Episode Summary

Bring to light the sins that so easily entangle you and live in a way that really pleases the Lord.

Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: Hi, I’m Shauna on Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope and guess what month it is? 

JONI: Okay, yes, it’s July. But did you know that July is [get this] National Wheelchair Beautification month? Seems nowadays they’ve set aside a month for everything, even wheelchairs. But I have to tell you, when I saw that, it made me think of something quite funny about beautifying my own wheelchair, because I can tend to geta little self-conscious about my wheelchair. 

            Don't get me wrong; I've adjusted to it; I don’t mind it. But I have this thing – I don’t want to dress up in nice slacks, a pretty blouse, and earrings – and then sit in a wheelchair that has dust on the motor casing, greasy dirt on the drive belt, grimy fingerprints on the power box. I don’t know, it just doesn’t feel right. And believe me, my wheelchair can collect dust – I may be wearing fresh, clean clothes and polished shoes, but I have to constantly [I mean constantly] keep an eye on how dirty my wheelchair can get. In fact, before I enter somebody's house, I don't wipe my feet, I wipe my wheels. I don’t walk in dirt, but every day my wheelchair wheels on oil-stained asphalt, or dusty gravel, and garage grime. And I’m committed to keep that stuff from accumulating. Not only physically, but Jesus makes a point of it, spiritually. In John 13:5, it says “[Jesus] poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.”If you'll recall, the disciples protested at first. But Jesus reminded them that unless he washed their feet, they could have no part with him. A person who has had a bath needs only to wash his feet since the rest of him is clean. 

            And here’s the lesson: As Christians, you and I have been made clean by our salvation. Yet we can't help but gather dust from walking around in a world dirtied by sin. Watch a little TV and too many commercials? It just makes your soul dull and dry. Hang around people who use profanity? It deadens your sensitivity to sin. You read too many People magazines and gossip columns? It lowers the high bar of your spiritual aspirations. That’s what the world does to us. It puts a layer of dust on your soul. And if you don't watch it, it builds up into a layer of dirt. [I'm reminded of this when Ken has to clean some of my wheelchair “dust” with a scouring pad and 409]. And in the same way, I need daily to invite the Holy Spirit to scour, clean my soul.

            What about you? Stop and make a quick inspection. Do the bottoms of your shoes look as though you’ve tracked through a quarry? Then you wouldn't think twice about wiping your feet, right, before entering someone's home. It’s common courtesy. So please show God as much concern today about that layer of dust or dirt on your soul. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you places in your life that are in need of confession and repentance. It says in scripture, “Sanctify yourself. Be holy as Christ is holy.” Bring to the light those sins that are so easily entangling you and hindering you from living in a way that pleases, I mean really pleases God. 

SHAUNA: And one more thing [and it’s kind of a fun thing]. Since July is Wheelchair Beautification Month, if you know someone who uses a wheelchair, why not offer to give it a good, thorough cleaning? It’d be the perfect way to shower love on your friend or family member, and then every time they look down at their beautiful, clean wheelchair, they’ll be reminded of your love. Better yet, they’ll be reminded of the beautiful love of Jesus.


© Joni and Friends