Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Jesus, King of Pain

Episode Summary

This morning, welcome Jesus into the room and talk to him. It’ll offset any fear you have for the day or week.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: Hi, I’m Shauna, on Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope. And Joni, is it possible to have real hope in the midst of chronic pain?

            JONI: Well, Shauna, I’m going to open my heart on this issue. Because yes, as you know I’ve spoken here before about dealing with pain, but frankly, as I age in my wheelchair, my chronic pain is becoming more debilitating. I cannot travel like I used to, and I am not able to sit up in my wheelchair as long. But I keep hearing God say, “Do not fear.” It is the most oft-repeated command in Scripture, “Fear not.” And I wrestle with pain, especially when it’s time for bed. I know that lying in one position all night exacerbates my pain. So, what do I do to chase away fear? Well, when my husband is standing by the bed and tucking in my blanket, I’ll look up and say to him, “Oh, Ken, pray that my faith not fail. That I can persevere. That I’ll remember Jesus through the watches of the night.” And friend, really, that’s where the victory over a nighttime of pain is either won or lost. I know that pain awaits me in the night. But I also know that my God, my Savior carries me into the night. 

            And then when the sun is coming up, and there I am in bed, hurting more, that’s where the victory over a daytime of pain is either won or lost. And so, as I did when I went to bed, I bring my soul into alignment. I make it stand at attention. I shape my will to God’s Word, and I remind myself do not be afraid. My God, my Savior Jesus will carry me into the day. Then I further offset my fear by talking to him while the early morning light is still filling the room. I greet him. I whisper good morning to him. I welcome him into the room. I ask for his help with my attitude; and I ask him to chase away my fear. And then, before the day gets started, I whisper to myself favorite Scriptures or the words to favorite hymns, like, “This is my Father’s world, and may I never forget: that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet. This is my Father’s world, this battle is not done. Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and heaven and earth, be one.” Do you see what I’m doing? By the strength of God, I’m taking responsibility for my attitude. I’m telling my spirit to stand at attention and come into alignment with God’s purposes for the day, even if it means more pain. I’m reminding myself that I am privileged to even be able to get out of bed and sit up in a wheelchair. Many disabled people that we minister to at Joni and Friends can’t do that. But I do. And I’m grateful to God for it.

            So, I close with this poem written by Margaret Clarkson, a Canadian missionary who suffered greatly with intractable pain. She wrote: “Lord Jesus, King of pain, Thy subject I; Thy right it is to reign: Oh, hear my cry, and bid in me all longings cease; save for Thy holy will's increase. Thy right it is to reign O'er all Thine own; then, if Thy love send pain, find there Thy throne, and help me bear it unto Thee, who didst bear death and hell for me. Lord Jesus, King of pain, my heart's adored, teach me eternal gain is love's reward: in Thee I hide; hold me still till pain work all Thy perfect will.” Oh, Shauna, isn’t that a great poem?

            SHAUNA: So powerful Joni. And friend, if you are in pain, let us encourage you to download that poem that Joni just recited. And also, you can contact us at and get your free copy of Dr. John Piper’s book called “Shaped by God” at


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