Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Lift Up the Needs of Our Country

Episode Summary

Remember, take heart; there is no place where God is not at work, yes, even at political conventions. God bless you as you pray for the needs of the country.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and Happy 4th of July!

            Oh, don’t you love this day? Ken and I so enjoy celebrating the 4th with our friends and family – it’s my husband’s chance to get out the BBQ and grill his favorite ballpark franks with lots of mustard and tons of onions, and I will take sauerkraut on mine, please. I always like to decorate the kitchen table in red, white, and blue with a fun, flowery centerpiece. Watermelon, corn-on-the-cob, apple pie, ice cream; what else would be on the menu, right? Then later on when the sun goes down, Ken and I always like to turn on PBS and watch that special called ‘A Capital Fourth’. After that, it’s run outside to see from our backyard, the fireworks over at the high school. But at the close of the day, before bed, we always pray for America. Right before turning out the lights, we make certain to lift up the needs of our country before the Lord. 

            And tonight, guess what? Our prayers are going to have a special emphasis. We can’t ignore it. It’s something coming up on the national horizon that desperately needs prayer. And it’s on the hearts of all of us. And I’m talking about both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions that will be held this July in just a couple of weeks. Frankly, looking back over the recent political campaigns, Ken and I have found it hard to pray. So much rancor, so much division, so much lack of civility and common courtesy. Plus, both the Democratic and Republican campaigns revealed just how polarized we Americans really are. Never saw it quite like this years ago, but now, oh, do we need to be praying for our country and what will be happening at those two conventions! 

            So, exactly how will Ken and I be praying this month? Well, for the upcoming election, we are praying that God will show us his mercy and not give us what we deserve. We are asking God to orchestrate American history and use our next leader to accomplish his purposes in our land. Next, Ken and I are praying that God will unite Christians across this great nation and use us to bring restoration in our broken and decaying culture. After all, those of us who have been reconciled to God – we’ve got a mission: we are supposed to be agents of reconciliation. And no one needs to experience reconciliation more than the American people. Next, we are praying that truth and justice would prevail over political correctness and false tolerance, both in the lives of all Americans and in our culture. Right and wrong do not change according to cultural fashions. Society may think it can twist what is right and wrong, but God’s law is always unchanging.

            And finally, we are praying that our current government leaders, as well as the leaders who will be taking the reins next January, we are praying that these leaders will fight evil and stand up for truth and understand what truth is. I’m convinced there is no place where God is not at work, including Caesar’s household. God honors nations who honor him – and that can only happen when truth prevails over evil.

            So, I hope that you’ll agree that this is a good thing to do on the Fourth of July. So please, join me and my husband, would you? Commit with me and Ken to be praying this way this month, and especially for the important decisions which will be made at the upcoming Democratic National Convention as well as the Republican National Convention. Remember, take heart; there is no place where God is not at work. Yes, even at political conventions. So, God bless you as you pray.


© Joni and Friends