Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

New Year's Eve

Episode Transcription

Hurray, it's Monday! The week is beginning and the New Year is just about here, isn’t it?  Wow, 2008 – doesn't that sound like the beginning of an adventure?  I sure think so.  Roll up your sleeves, rub your hands together, and let's get going on this New Year.

Now what I like about 2008 is that, so far, it is unscathed, untouched, it’s yet to be explored.  It reminds me of that passage in Isaiah 43 that says, "I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a path right through the sea.  I called forth the mighty army of Egypt with all its chariots and horses to lie beneath the waves.  But forget all that – it is nothing compared to what I'm going to do.  For I am going to do a brand new thing.  See, I have already begun.  I will make a road through the wilderness of the world for my people to go home."  Boy, what a verse!  I sure do like the idea of God's people going home, perhaps even in 2008?  Who knows?!  Whatever happens, it's going to be a brand-new thing.  God promises. 

That’s a good attitude to have as we approach the first day of the new year.  Was 2007 a year of special memories for you?  Was this past year one that lifted you to new spiritual heights?  Do you look back on a few warm, sweet moments and wonder if you will ever experience that kind of joy again in the future? 

Although each of these 2007 memories may be special, remember, God wants to do a new thing.  Because the Lord always wants to take us to new heights, I have an idea that His plans for you for 2008 may even outshine the past.  He's preparing surprises, He’s getting ready to fill your days with good reasons to give Him praise. 

This is why you can begin 2008 with an Isaiah 43 attitude.  Don't expect the Lord to do the same thing in exactly the same way He did this past year. Don't ask God for something He's already done.  Expect something fresh.  Look for something new.  This year could really take you by surprise. 

So let's spend a moment praying together right now. Join me, would you? And together let’s pray, "Lord Jesus, we stretch our faith right now and together we want to believe You for something far greater than what happened this year.  We trust that You are able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to Your power that is at work within us.  Thank you for that promise of Isaiah 43, which tells us to forget the former things and not to dwell on this past year.  We look forward to all the new things You are going to do in the year ahead.  We pray for peace in our troubled world... especially for peace in the Middle East.  We pray for those who need to know Jesus... we pray for those who are sick or ill... we lift up our families and we pray for our country.  Oh, Lord, we trust in you.  It's a big year ahead but we hold onto Your hand. You are a big God, so, we pray, lead the way!" 


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