Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Nothing Hidden - Family Retreats

Episode Transcription

AL:  Today starts another month of our Joni and Friends Family Retreats – and hundreds of disabled children and adults and their family members will be attending the 8 Family Retreats we will be holding during the month of July.  And, Joni… tell us about what you do at a retreat…

JONI:  Well, I sit – I'm good at that – I spend a lot of time sitting and talking, just hanging out, just fellowshipping and answering questions that disabled adults and children have about their pains and problems.

AL:  Got an example?  Someone who’s pretty memorable? 

JONI:  Well, I remember one retreat and a woman named Sherrill with multiple sclerosis. She and I were sitting by the pool in our wheelchairs and talking about heaven.  We spoke fondly and wistfully about the day when we would take that first heavenly step on strong, resurrected legs… 

AL:  … I can imagine that’s a topic of lots of conversations at a Family Retreat… 

JONI:  You’re right, but Sherrill had one reservation about heaven.  She asked me about Hebrews 4:13 where it says, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”  There may have been lots of swimming and splashing around and laughter going around by that pool, but this was one serious conversation – Sherrill had a real problem with that part where it says “everything is uncovered and laid bare” before his eyes. She shuddered at the idea.  “Joni, I’m so worried about all the mistakes I’ve made—the failures and the awful sins.”

I told her that I understood.  The fear of the Lord should be a deterrent to sin.  Our Father in heaven tells us to be holy, as he is holy.  Shedding sinful habits is a key and critical sign that we’re truly growing in the Lord.  But that doesn’t mean Sherrill needs to be afraid.  On the contrary, think of the flip side of Hebrews 4:13.  I told her, "God’s eyes don’t miss the good you do, either.  The times you hold your tongue… the times you patiently endure suffering, leaning on Jesus… the times you hold up under pressure with a godly response…the times you give, secretly, with no thought of return… the times you offer an encouraging word when you are bone-tired….  All is laid bare before his searching gaze."

AL:  Interesting! Maybe Sherrill’s solitary life as a disabled woman living alone seemed hidden away from the sight of others, but nothing was hidden from God’s sight.  He takes note of her patience, her endurance, and her faithfulness. 

JONI:  Friend, you can benefit a bit from this conversation I had with Sherrill.  Live life under his gaze, knowing beyond all doubt that it’s a look of love.


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