Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Oh, to Be Healthy

Episode Transcription

My husband, Ken, turned 60 a few months ago and… it was a little hard for him.  He confided that last year, on one of his fishing trips with a few Christian buddies, they were sitting around the campfire at night, and he was contemplating his upcoming birthday… and as he sat there in silence he was feeling a little sorry for himself.  Especially as he looked across the campfire at one of his friends. A guy named Steve was sitting there.  Steve is 63 and the picture of great health… he goes biking with his wife, can still play racquetball, he goes hiking with his family, and he has time to go fly fishing with Ken. Ken looked at him and thought, “Oh man, my knees have been bothering me and I haven’t been able to play racquetball in years.”  So he sat there and sighed and let the self-pity simmer a bit longer.

That was less than a year ago.  Shortly after Ken turned 60, we received the news that Steve had discovered he had cancer.  Over the last couple of months, Steve has been in and out of chemotherapy and now they’re doing radiation.  It’s really been touch-and-go and the outlook isn’t the greatest, he’s far from out of the woods.  He’s lost weight, he’s had to move to be closer to the radiation lab and, well… it’s been hard.  To be sure, Steve has drawn closer to Christ through it all, and Ken and I have been praying for him and his wife nightly… but I tell you what, all of this has given Ken a whole different view on his own banged up knees, wrinkles, and aches and pains.  We pray for Steve and his family every night… and Ken also thanks God for the blessing, the huge blessing of good health.

Ecclesiastes 4 tells us not to envy our neighbor. Because we never know – we never know the struggles and the hardships either they are going through or will go through in days to come.  Proverbs 13 reminds us that the desires of the diligent are satisfied – Ken is diligently praying for his friend Steve, plus he is diligent in thanking the Lord constantly for what good health he has. Better yet, Ken is diligent in seeking out the heart of God and thanking Him for His will and purpose in his life.

Friend, it does no good to compare your lot in life with that of your neighbors – or fly fishing buddies.  Just be thankful for what God has given you – it comes directly from His hand and it’s perfectly designed with your growth and sanctification in mind.  Oh, by the way, should the Spirit move, thank you for lifting up a prayer on behalf of Steve with his cancer… better yet, be praying for all those in your circle of friends or in your family who struggle with this disease.  Be diligent on their behalf… and be diligent in confessing any envy or self-pity… and don’t forget, thank God for the measure of health He’s given you.



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