Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Slow Steps

Episode Summary

In this fast-forward world, take a moment to line up your day with the pace of the Holy Spirit. Press pause and look for God’s presence in everything you do.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with a memory about Corrie ten Boom.

           You may remember that Corrie was the survivor of the Nazi Holocaust who had helped hide Jews during the occupation of Holland. She shared her story in the book “The Hiding Place”. And then some time later, Billy Graham made a movie of her story. I had met Corrie right after that movie was made, and I immediately loved this remarkable Dutch woman. Her love for Jesus impressed me immensely and we became good friends. She used to tease me, saying, “Oh, Joni, one day we will be dancing and skipping together in heaven” (which, for her, was saying something given the fact that she was in her 80s and using a cane).

            We stayed in touch over the years as both she and I traveled in our respective ministries. But then, when Corrie was approaching her 90s, she slowed down. In fact, a series of strokes left her pretty much debilitated. One early spring day I went to visit her in her little home in Orange County, California. My friends and I were able to help her companion, Pam, learn basic things about Corrie's disability and how to use her wheelchair. After our short training session, we decided to sit in Corrie's backyard, and we admired her early spring flowers, we enjoyed the warm sun on our backs. 

           The day was filled with a lot of activity, yet it seemed so relaxed and slow paced. After we enjoyed the flowers, we went into the kitchen for tea and chocolates. And then, after our relaxed tea time together, Pam reached for Corrie’s Bible and we read and then prayed. Afterward we retired to the parlor and talked. After that, Corrie wanted to show us some of her family photo albums. Well, I was amazed how quickly the day flew by, yet how peaceful and stress free it seemed. I commented about this to her companion Pam, and she explained, "Tante Corrie and I never do lots of things at once. We don't sit outside, read and enjoy tea and chocolates. No, we space everything out so we can truly appreciate the individual pleasure of each activity." That day I witnessed the glory of God in watching spring flowers bob in the breeze, in savoring the taste of dark Dutch chocolate, in smelling the fragrance of Earl Grey tea, in listening to an elderly saint pray. I experienced the glory of God in leisurely looking through a family album and learning a little history, and finally, of discovering new insights in God's Word. All because I lived the day at Corrie's pace. 

            That day occurred back in the 1990s and, oh, we certainly don’t live at Corrie’s pace today, do we? Someone has pushed the fast-forward button on the way we live. And as the microwave heats our morning Danish, we pay bills online, listen for the chime on the dryer, check emails on our iPhone, all the while eavesdropping on Janet Parschall on Christian radio. Little wonder we feel stressed out. Galatians 5:25 says, "Let us keep in step with the Spirit." And you know what; often the Spirit takes very slow steps – very slow steps. Think of 1 Corinthians 10:31 where it says, "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." That verse makes much of ordinary activities. So, think of all the activities you have lined up for the day and pace them with the Holy Spirit. Take a moment, stop, push the pause button. And look for ways you can slow down today; most of all, look for God and His presence in every small and great thing that you do.


© Joni and Friends