Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Our Quiet Protector

Episode Transcription

In preparation to go to Africa last year with our Wheels for the World team, I had to make sure I was protected.  I went to the doctor and was stuck with every kind of needle, from yellow fever shots to hepatitis.  I even took malaria pills.  When I left the doctor’s office, I relaxed, knowing I was under God's protection.  I mean I was covered! 

During our visit to Africa, I was extremely careful with the food and water.  But I became doubly cautious when, midway through our trip, everyone else was running to the restroom.  We know what that means!  Plus, my husband, Ken, and I knew that if I became ill, it would be awful – I wouldn’t be able to just... get up and run to a bathroom, know what I mean?!

Well!  Mealtimes were quite serious, as I would go up to the buffet or as people would say, “Here, try a bite of this... or that.”  I was especially careful to make sure my special spoon – the bent one with which I feed myself – was always clean.  A couple of days before our tour ended, I lost that spoon.  My friend thought she had cleaned it off after our last meal and put it back in my handbag.  But not so.  We couldn’t find it anywhere... we didn’t leave it on the table; it wasn’t back in our room; we dug through my handbag.  It was nowhere to be found. 

I was demoralized.  Someone would have to feed me at mealtimes.  I asked the Lord to show me where that spoon was, but God was quiet on the issue.  During our last meal before heading to the airport, I was struck by the distinct thought, “Joni, you lost your spoon because it was contaminated.  Had you used it, you would have become sick.”  Immediately I shared this with my friends.  Someone who was sitting at that table turned around and gasped, “God just told me the same thing that very instant.”  Needless to say, God was no longer quiet on the subject. From then on out, I was not only happy to be healthy, but blessed to be able to trace God’s hand in hiding my spoon!  He had showed me – and He didn’t have to do this – but He had shown me exactly why that silly spoon disappeared. 

You know, we say it all the time.  We pray to the Lord, “Deliver us from evil.”  And every day – during countless times – God answers that prayer with a resounding “I will. I will deliver you and protect you.”   We cannot always see his hand of protection, but Psalm 5:11 says, “... let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them; that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”  Today take a moment to thank Him for all the ways He delivers you from harm... take refuge in Him and be glad:  He spreads His protection over you.


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Agoura Hills, CA 93176

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