Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Pain in the Psalms

Episode Summary

Jesus is your prescription for pain – whether it’s in your hip, your head, or your heart.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: Hi, I’m Shauna on Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope. And Joni, I know you’ve learned a thing or two about pain over these decades, haven’t you?

            JONI: I sure have and in my long season of dealing with it, I have learned so many lessons from the Lord. Even physical ones. I breathe deeply, I stretch often, I eat right, I hydrate regularly, and much more. I tell you, these simple physical disciplines can actually mitigate my pain. But the most invaluable lessons are the spiritual ones. Like when I am in agony and I can’t help but cry out [sometimes, it’s a whimper]. I’ll say, “God, where are you? Have you forgotten me?” Yes, pain makes even a seasoned believer [like myself] sometimes think that God is far off. But God has an answer to that in Psalm 34:18. It says, “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” You know, it’s not uncommon to feel a sense of abandonment when you’re suffering hard, and you question the presence of God. But Psalm 34 gives you calm assurance that the Lord is present. He is near in your pain. And to me, that is so comforting. It affirms that God's presence is not contingent on the absence of suffering; rather, his presence is profoundly felt in the very midst of suffering. And that is such an invaluable lesson! So, let me repeat it one more time.

            The presence of God is most profoundly felt in the very midst of your pain. So, if you do happen to ask, “Where is God when I hurt?” Psalm 34 shows you that your cry does not fall on deaf ears, but that your crushed spirit is being tenderly embraced by a God who draws near when you hurt – your pain beckons him closer. And friend, when you sense his nearness and summon him further into your wounded heart, this is where you are transformed. In the darkest moments of suffering, we have a chance to connect with the divine. And encounters like that make us different people. This is probably the most invaluable lesson I’ve learned from my pain; it’s what God has taught me in my worst of times: I am being transformed. That is, I am being sanctified by the Word in Psalm 34. And the Holy Spirit alters me for the better; I am made more like Christ, my suffering Savior, whenever I have a chance to encounter the Man of Sorrows in my pain. And so, I thank God for Psalm 34 and a host of other psalms that have blessed me like that one. When I agree with what Psalm 34 says and I say to my soul, yes Joni, the Lord is near; he has not abandoned you, then I am opening the door for God’s deliverance, rescue, and salvation. 

            Friend, your pain does not have to crush you. As you courageously look at the stern countenance of your anguish and you enter into it unafraid deep into its recesses, you will defang pain of its terror. You’ll see that the Lord is in your pain, having transfigured it to become a place of union with him. Jesus conquered the insidious ways of pain and because of that, he’s your prescription for pain – whether it’s in your hip, your head, or your heart. I want you to learn more about managing pain effectively; so, visit where I’ve posted a video in which I offer more tips in pain management. 

            SHAUNA: And friend, be sure to ask for your gift, John Piper’s book called “Shaped by God.” It’s a great look at other psalms that can work for you in the midst of pain. And your free copy of Dr. Piper’s book is waiting for you at 

            JONI: And we’ll see you next time with more lessons about suffering well with pain.



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