Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Pray Without Ceasing

Episode Summary

Praying without ceasing means to pray in season or out of season, so that every moment is as fruitful as possible. You are to be in constant communication with God. Ask God to open your eyes to the kingdom work he is doing all around you, every minute.

Episode Transcription

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with a word about praying without ceasing.

Yep, it’s what the Bible says. First Thessalonians 5 says to “pray without ceasing… for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” So, God’s will is that we be in constant communication with him, so that every moment may be as fruitful as possible. Now, we would all agree that that’s the ideal, but what does it look like? Obviously, it’s not merely having a prayerful attitude; it says we are to pray without ceasing. Okay, so, usually we set aside regular times of prayer at the start of the day, at the close of the day, or when reading Scripture, or at mealtimes. But is there something more? Even Jesus said in Luke 18:1 that “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.”

Well, I’m no expert here, really, honestly. But over the years, here’s how I live out this command to “pray without ceasing.” Okay, so, I’m sitting at the kitchen table, lunching with Ken – it’s a Sunday afternoon – and he’s in a sullen mood. He’s down about something. And so, instead of feeling down about it also, I pray, I say, “Jesus, whatever my husband’s struggling with right now, would you speak truth into his heart; lift the gloom; cause him to look outside himself, and help me to be a good wife, a good support? Do this for your honor, Jesus. Amen.” 

Or I will be at work and feel stumped on something, so it’s, “Oh, Lord, I’ve got no wisdom here, no solutions for this project; you are a fountain, the wellspring of wisdom, and I yield this problem to you. Please help me solve it.” Or my morning helper shares an awkward situation in her family, and so, as she’s getting me up, I’ll pray quietly or maybe aloud, “Jesus, shine your light into this family; help them to say no to selfishness, and yes to listening with an open heart. Cause them to seek peace and harmony within the family.” Or maybe there’s a homeless man at the freeway exit. While we’re stopped at the light, I’ll ask Ken to pray, and he will. He’ll ask God to meet that man’s needs and land him a job, provide for his family, and connect him with a local shelter. Or maybe I’m in an important meeting, so I ask God to help me absorb the information. On Sunday mornings, Ken and I pray for our pastor while driving to church. A newcomer arrives at the service; I spot them and pray that if they don’t know Christ, that their eyes will be opened to the glories of the Gospel that morning. Or maybe during service my hip begins hurting me and I am in great pain. But rather than be distracted or become disheartened, I ask God for his courage, to help me focus, to empower me to look beyond my discomfort. Maybe you spot an old friend at a party; you pray for him. The store clerk seems harassed and overwhelmed; you whisper a prayer for her while standing in line. The Amazon delivery guy seems harried; you pray for him as he runs back to his truck.

Here, there, and everywhere, in season or out of season, when it’s natural or unnatural, among company or sitting alone, to pray without ceasing means to pray. To be, as I said earlier, in constant communication so that – and here’s the point – so that every moment is as fruitful as possible. Unceasing prayer is one way to make the most of every moment. No wonder Jesus said, “Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” So, can we do it? Well, I think we can. So, together, let’s ask God to open our eyes to the kingdom work he’s doing all around us, every minute. And then, let’s join his Holy Spirit in praying so that every moment is as fruitful as possible. That’s your good word today from Joni Eareckson Tada sharing hope.


© Joni and Friends