Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Reaching into Back Bedrooms

Episode Summary

Wheelchairs are abundant here in the States, but the situation is much different overseas. Thousands of people with disabilities – especially children – are in need of a wheelchair. You can transform a life with the gift of mobility and the Gospel! Visit to learn more.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni, and I need you to do something very special for me.

It’s special because the need is so near and dear to my heart. You see, I’m privileged; I’m blessed; I’m the exception to the rule when it comes to the way people with disabilities live in developing nations, ’cause I’ve got a wheelchair. But millions do not. And most of them are disabled children. And it’s why I’ve asked my coworker Jason Holden, our Vice President of Global Operations, to say a few words about this need. So, listen up – because there’s a way that you can help. And Jason, thanks so much for taking a minute out of your busy schedule to be with us.

JASON: Blessed to be here, Joni.

JONI: Jason, you oversee our Wheels for the World outreach, and not only do you lead an amazing team, maintaining excellent standards, but I’ve watched you. You guys work hard to provide the most appropriate, the best possible wheelchairs for the disabled children we serve overseas. But you have noticed something over the years, and I want you to tell us about it.

JASON: Joni, you know, since joining our ministry four years ago, I’ve been watching trends in our supply chain. Although the U.S. leads the global market share for wheelchair purchases, and year-over-year we purchase more, we are seeing a decline in the donated wheelchairs.

JONI: And why is that?

JASON: Well, the trend toward electric-powered wheelchairs has really reduced the number of available manual wheelchairs that we use.

JONI: Yeah, and we take these wheelchairs that people donate, we send them to any one of 15 different prisons where inmates volunteer their time to shape them up, shine them up, and refurbish them; make them look brand-new. But we’re in need of pediatric wheelchairs.

JASON: Yeah, the reduced manual wheelchairs, combined with newer pediatric wheelchairs being made more adaptable and more durable – we’re just seeing a steady decline in those pediatric wheelchairs for our Wheels for the World programming.

JONI: And I know, when I have been on Wheels for the World trips, it’s the children with disabilities – I just hate to turn them away for lack of a wheelchair, right?

JASON: Oh, there are so many out there, Joni, that really could just use a wheelchair.

JONI: Well, okay, you’ve gripped our hearts. Now, how can our listeners help?

JASON: Well, here at Joni and Friends, March is our annual Wheelchair Collection Month. And we’re asking our faithful listeners and supporters out there to connect with local children’s hospitals, clinics, and medical equipment companies to help us find those wheelchairs that are destined for recycling centers or landfills.

JONI: So it’s just a matter of picking up the phone and calling a local children’s hospital or a children’s clinic or perhaps somebody on your cul-de-sac has a child with a disability and that child has outgrown the wheelchair, right?

JASON: Yes, that’s it. But the cool thing is – we are going to take those wheelchairs, restore them, and wrap them in the hope of Jesus for millions around the world that could use that life-changing wheelchair.

JONI: Yeah, because it’s not just a wheelchair, is it. It’s about much more. Do you want to tell us?

JASON: Yeah, at each one of our outreaches, we have the opportunity to share the Gospel. We provide a Bible in their own language and your biography.

JONI: And I have seen some of these local pastors sharing the Gospel of Christ in their own language with these people, and they get set on fire because they never knew there were so many people with disabilities in their village, right?

JASON: Joni, every outreach I’ve attended, I watch as these pastors are amazed at the number of people living with disabilities in their own community, coming out of the back bedrooms, coming out of the alleys, and really coming to be seen at our event. And the pastors are just totally overwhelmed by the number of people that are living right around the corner from their church. 

JONI: Yep, and who need Jesus. Well, friend listening, you can help a child with a disability overseas. You can help give them a pediatric wheelchair. So this appeal – I’ve posted a video today that’ll give you an up-close and personal look at the plight of disabled children and how Wheels for the World is helping. So, visit and take a look at this video. And on this Wheelchair Collection Month, let’s hear from you if you have a pediatric wheelchair yourself that you can donate to us. Jason, thanks for all that you do, sir!

JASON: Thanks, Joni.


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