Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Rejoice in Your Hardships

Episode Summary

Your complaints and grumbling can diminish your Christian witness to people around you. Do everything without complaining and you will shine like a star in a dark world.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with a word from Scripture for you today.

            Now you’ll be challenged by this verse, but that’s okay; it’s a good kind of challenge. And the word is from Philippians 2:14. The apostle Paul is writing from a dark prison cell, and he tells his friends:"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe."

            The Book of Philippians is filled with commands to be joyful in suffering. What’s more, to be joyful always! I mean, that’s saying something, considering that Paul is writing this in chains. But his words are inspired by the Spirit, commanding us – you and me – to do everything without complaining. And that means everythingPaul was writing to his Christian friends in Philippi who were facing enormous hardship, and the temptation to murmur or grumble must have been great. And Paul wasn’t scolding these Christians for their sour attitudes, no; rather, he wanted them to see God’s bigger picture and purpose in mind.

            And the purpose was: Evangelism. Paul's heart—and the heart of Christ—was focused on wooing others into the kingdom. his passion was for the salvation of the crooked and depraved neighbors of his Philippian friends. Paul wanted the power of God to be showcased to those lost in darkness. And by not grumbling, we become "blameless and pure" before others. No one can point a finger. No skeptic can make an issue. Because nothing makes a scornful, cynical world sit up and take notice of God more than when unbelievers observe believers rejoicing in their hardships, without a hint of complaint. Man, that is so convicting!

            Now friend, you may well be facing overwhelming hardships today; things that tempt you to throw in the towel and complain. Even if you cover it up and do it under your breath [that’s what the Bible calls murmuring] your peevish objection is still a complaint. So before you grumble or murmur or moan or object, remember why God has you in the middle of this mess. And here, it says it in Philippians, "Do everything without complaining so that you may shine like stars in the universe."Oh friend,God wants your neighbors and coworkers to observe your good attitude in the midst of obvious hardship, so that you will light up their darkness; so that you’ll shine like a star in a dark world. When it comes to your grievances, the Holy Spirit has one result, one focus – it’s all about evangelism. Every admonishment, every warning, every counsel and instruction in the Word of God is always for the purpose of somehow reaching others for Christ.

            So, think with me for a minute. And be honest. Have your complaints or grumblings diminished your Christian witness to people around you? Do people look at you and think, “Yeah, her God isn’t all that big a deal; she acts just like everybody else; she complains just like everybody else.” Well, stop complaining and you will shine like a star in a dark world. Hey, I trust these are encouraging words for you because every day I sure do love sharing hope through your hardships. And if you need prayer, don’t forget – you can turn to us at Finally, I join you in praying right now, “Jesus, for the sake of this crooked generation in which I live, please convict my friend and me if we complain today. In Your name, amen.” That’s your good word today from


© Joni and Friends