Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Resolutions For Life

Episode Summary

Tune in to hear one of America’s prominent and influential theologians give true wisdom on how to number your days; use them carefully, thoughtfully, kindly, and with an eye to God’s glory.

Episode Transcription

Teach me to number my days, Lord, so I can apply your wisdom to my life.

            Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and that good word is from Psalm 90, verse 12. It’s a verse I’m thinking a lot about these days, especially as I get older and know that, for me, time is getting short. More than ever, I’m numbering my days; I don’t want to squander the hours. More than ever, I don’t want to waste my life.

            And I was so blessed when recently I stumbled across a list of 70 resolutions that Jonathan Edwards wrote for his life. For a little background: he was a Puritan preacher in the 1700s and was one of the most respected men of his day. He attended Yale at the age of thirteen and later went on to become the president of Princeton college. He married his wife Sara in 1727 and they were blessed with eleven children. And every night when Mr. Edwards was home, he would spend an hour conversing with his family and then praying a blessing over each child. Jonathan and his wife Sarah passed on a great, godly legacy to their eleven children. He also passed on to them his 70 resolutions. 

            And as I read his 70 resolutions, I thought, “Oh man, that’s me! He’s talking to me. That’s the way I want to live!” In fact, I borrowed a few of them and what a help these resolutions have been as I strive not to waste my days. So, let me share a few to see if they help you. Here’s some from his list. 1) Resolved: I will do whatever I think will be most to God’s glory. 2) Resolved: Never lose one moment of time; but seize the time to use it in the most profitable way I possibly can. And here’s another Edwards resolution that I really love – he says, resolved: To live with all my might while I do live [Friend, that’s the way I want to live]. Wherever I am; whether working or connecting with a friend; however I am living at the moment, I want to live with all my might. I want to be 100% there. Give myself totally to that thing that I’m doing. Yes, live with energy, and intention, as though Christ might come back today.

            Okay, here’s another Jonathan Edwards resolution – he says: Never do anything which I would be afraid to do if it were the last hour of my life. And then this one: Act, in all respects, as if nobody had ever been as sinful as I am; and when I encounter sin in others, I will feel [at least in my own mind and heart] as if I had committed the same sins or had the same weaknesses or failings as others [love that one]. Oh, and here’s one more. Resolved: I will live in such a way, as I will wish I had done when I come to die.

            Okay so I could go on and share many more, but if you want to read the list of all 70 by Jonathan Edwards, I’ve posted the PDF on today. So, take a look at the list because here is one of America’s prominent and influential theologians giving us true wisdom on how to number our days; use them carefully, thoughtfully, kindly, and with an eye to God’s glory. And what an influence this man had: Jonathan Edwards’ legacy includes: 1 U.S. Vice-President, 3 U.S. Senators, 3 governors, 13 college presidents, 30 judges, 60 doctors, and much more. And here I close with one more resolution: Never do anything that diminishes my assurance of God’s love and grace. So, download the whole list of 70 resolutions at and join me in living intentionally, living to God’s glory. Or as Edwards would say, live with all your might.


© Joni and Friends