Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Shadow of the Cross

Episode Summary

When you feel overwhelmed and without strength, picture yourself under the flag of your Savior. Staying beneath the cross is the safest place to be – that’s the power of the cross.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, asking, are you feeling overwhelmed and without strength? If so, and if you know this praise song, sing these words with me, would you?


(Joni sings:)


O to see the dawn of the darkest day

Christ on the road to Calvary

Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten then

Nailed to a cross of wood

‘Tis the power of the cross

Christ became sin for us

Took the blame, bore the wrath

we stand forgiven at the cross.


            Wow. In a book called The Great Boer War written in 1900, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tells of a small detachment of British troops during the South African campaign, these troops were surprised by an overwhelming enemy force. The British had to quickly retreat under heavy fire with little time to carry any of the wounded with them. Out there on the battlefield, the injured men faced certain death. One of them was a corporal in the Ceylon Mounted Infantry. He realized that they would only survive if they could come under the protection of a Red Cross flag. The corporal had enough strength to use blood from his own wounds and those of his friends to paint a large red cross on a piece of white cloth.

            At his weakest point, the corporal was able to raise himself up on shaky legs and wave the white cloth smeared in blood. All around him were groaning men and the sounds of people dying and crying for help. Thankfully, when the enemy saw the flag with the blood‑stained cross, [the red cross] they held their fire. The British were then able to quickly hurry out on the field and move the wounded to a safe place.

            What a poignant and powerful story. Oh, because all around us are weak and wounded people, groaning in hopelessness and silently crying out for help and hope. But this story underscores that hope, doesn’t it? It's the story of Exodus 12, where the Bible says, "When I see the blood, I will pass over you." Friend, when God sees the blood of his own Son, he lays down his arms and there is no more war, no more enmity between God and man; no more wrath. There is a real and lasting truce for those who would believe. 

            And it's why staying beneath the cross of Jesus is the best place to be whether you're under attack or not. The cross of Christ is a red cross, stained with the blood of the Savior. And on that cross are written the words, “For this is the love of God in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” And with that, the enemy doesn't dare touch us. We are safe in the shadow of the cross. 

            When you feel overwhelmed with fear, guilt, or weariness; when you feel wounded and you don’t have strength to hardly call out for help, picture yourself at the foot of the cross with your arms wrapped around it, hanging on to it as tightly as you can. Picture yourself under the flag of your Savior. That’s the power of the cross.




© Joni and Friends