Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Spring Card Offer

Episode Transcription

It’s amazing how those six little words, “Through Christ, you can do it”... it’s amazing how encouraging they can be.  Sometimes even life changing.  I remember when I was in the hospital years ago just getting adjusted to my wheelchair, I remember my times in occupational therapy when my therapist — her name was Chris Smith — told me I could learn how to write, type, and even draw holding pencils or pens or brushes between my teeth.

She would say, “Joni, you can do it.”  To me, back then, writing with my mouth sounded weird... like people writing with their toes.  It seemed impossible.  But even my friends would say, “Joni, with Christ all things are possible... you can do all things through Christ.” 

I felt like saying, “Yeah, well, Jesus made hands to hold things, not mouths.” Little did I know that God delights in showcasing His strength in the midst of impossible situations.  You see, it was only when I gave up and quit resisting and wrestling against my occupational therapist... it was only when I thought, “God, I cannot do this... I cannot in my own strength do what you, what everyone is asking of me.  It’s impossible.”  It’s only when I came to that point and then said, “So, Lord, you are going to have to do this.  I can only sit at this easel with pencils in my teeth... you’re going to have to show up here, big time, and help me.”  It’s only when I brought this attitude to the Lord did I then discover the strength — His strength — to pick up those pencils with my teeth and learn how to draw. And I’ve been drawing to this day, 30 years later.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  It’s really a principle of encouragement for you if you are faced with some challenge today that seems impossible... if you are facing a choice or a path in life that seems undo-able... if you are thinking, “Lord, what you are asking here... it’s impossible. I can’t live through this.  I can’t do this!”  Well, you probably can’t.  But God can.  And He resists the proud (those that do it on their own, that do it in their own energy with their own resources and reasoning, talents and abilities)... He resists those who think they have it all together, and He grants grace and strength and enabling to those who come to Him saying, “God, I can’t, but you can.”

As a reminder of this wonderful biblical principle, I’d like to send you a gift, three notecards with pastel pencil sketches of spring flowers that I did holding those pencils between my teeth. Notecards and envelopes – I’d like to send them to you for you to use that you can jot a note of encouragement to a friend reminding them of those four little wonderful words, “You can do it.” Through Christ you can. I’m a big believer in spreading encouragement in the Lord to as many people as possible, so I would love it if you would call today for your free cards. Really, it’s a gift. No strings attached. Just call toll free 888-522-5664 and we’ll get those cards and envelopes off to you right away.


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Agoura Hills, CA 93176

©  Joni and Friends