Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

The Cry of the Afflicted

Episode Summary

Joni provides another update on the work of Joni and Friends in Ukraine. Rejoice that God hears the cry of the afflicted. Continue to pray for the success of not only the evacuations of Ukrainians with disabilities but also the success of the Gospel.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

I’ve got an important follow-up on the update I shared yesterday on Ukraine.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and after yesterday’s program, I received an up-to-the-minute report on our activities to evacuate Ukrainians with disabilities. I reviewed a long list of people with disabilities who are still confined to their homes or in apartment buildings, unable to escape. I wanted to hear their stories, but I’ll tell you what, my heart broke to read the list of the many elderly people who can barely walk down the stairs of their buildings. People are in serious need of immediate medical attention. One man has a spinal cord injury which prevents him from getting out of bed; if indeed, he is to be rescued, he needs to be carried flat on a stretcher. And there are others with serious breathing problems. Infants with disabilities need baby formula.

So you can see why I simply had to return with this update today to ask you to pray – oh, my goodness, pray earnestly – for the safety and well-being of these individuals and many more, all of whom we are trying hard to evacuate. And do not be discouraged because oh, dear friends, your prayers are having a nation-shaking impact, not only among the scores of evacuees with disabilities – including these few I just mentioned – but your intercessions are having a profound impact on our in-country partners, like Galyna, who are working nonstop around the clock. I mean, I’m awestruck at their energy. It's nothing short of a miracle the way your intercessions are sustaining our partners – their unstoppable drive to successfully rescue and quickly place these refugees is a powerful testimony of how your prayers are being put to work by God. Plus, I want you to know that the fourth evacuation caravan of 57 people with disabilities and caregivers – they made it to safety! And now, work is underway to evacuate people with disabilities and caregivers from the “hot” places in eastern Ukraine to safer locations in western regions. From there, it’ll be easy to evacuate them across the border. 

I also want you to know that the donations that Joni and Friends has received – oh, my goodness are they being put to good work. And if you are one who has given to this evacuation effort, you gotta know that you are helping to purchase food, water, reams of hospital supplies, medicines, catheters, hygiene items, and critically needed fuel. I mean, if we think gas prices are rising here, believe me, petrol prices skyrocketing in Europe and Ukraine are off the charts. So if you are one of those “Friends” of Joni and Friends who’ve been helping us – please, I want you to know – oh, my goodness – you are the “oil” that is keeping these evacuations running as smoothly as possible, and it just wouldn't be happening without you! So God bless you for caring, friend.

These Ukrainians with disabilities – they come across the border physically weary and emotionally exhausted, having been uprooted from their homes. So finally, I implore you to ask the Holy Spirit to give the Gospel of Christ success as we apply the life-giving Good News to these needy people. Ask the Lord to also bless the many Europeans who are opening their homes and facilities, making their accommodations as welcoming and as accessible as possible to our refugees. And for all the updates, including the latest prayer requests, please visit my Facebook page, or go to our Joni and Friends website. Psalm 10:17 assures us that God hears the cry of the afflicted. So thank you for lifting up their cry before the throne of God.


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