Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

The Curse is Lifted

Episode Summary

God does not tolerate worship that is only external, hiding a heart filled with prejudice and pride. Instead, he calls us to worship through serving others and caring for them.

Episode Notes

Episode Transcription

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and I am a woman of Isaiah 58.

And I think you might know that passage. It seems that God’s people back in the Old Testament were hung up on outward forms of worship, making special days, special events, music, traditions; a lot of external things; going through all the motions of an appearance of worship. They were even fasting in sackcloth and ashes – I mean, that looks worshipful, right? But God did not tolerate worship that was external – you know, worship that hides a heart filled with prejudice and pride. And so, he breaks in on all their spiritual activities and says, beginning in verse 6, “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to… untie the cords of the yoke… set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and… provide the poor wanderer with shelter—when you see the naked, to clothe them, and… [do not] turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.”

Now, I said a moment ago that I’m a woman of Isaiah 58, and I say that because my whole life has been spent helping those with disabilities whose suffering is far worse than mine will ever be – like Betty in Uganda, a young woman who was born with cerebral palsy. Because her family could not afford a wheelchair, Betty had to crawl through the mud and dirt if she wanted to go anywhere. The people in her village looked down on her and considered her as a curse, and because she was looked upon as cursed, Betty was ignored and rejected wherever she went. Now, when I hear a story like hers, I think of Isaiah 58 and I pray, “Oh Lord, help us break the yoke that’s weighing on this young woman. Set her free from her oppression and help us provide her with hope and help!” 

Well, my prayers have been answered, because we have established a Joni’s House in Uganda where Betty is receiving practical help and the hope of Jesus Christ. She’s receiving an education, as well as much-needed physical and occupational therapy, and, boy, did she love receiving her very first wheelchair. I’ve posted a photo of Betty today at because you’ve just got to see this girl’s absolutely contagious smile; she is so beautiful. And what’s really fun is, she squeals with delight every time her friends from Joni’s House visit her. And now, Betty and her family understand that she is fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. Her “curse” has been lifted through the power and love of Jesus. 

You know, I love putting God’s Word in Isaiah 58 into action in the life of someone like Betty. The cords of her yoke have been untied and this young woman and her family have been set free. And surely there are people in your own community who are feeling the weight of the heavy yoke of suffering. Whether it’s unwed mothers, prisoners, people in nursing homes, juveniles in detention, homeless people, or seniors, or people with disabilities in need of assistance, there are ways that you can be an Isaiah 58 Christian, so follow God’s lead in that chapter and lift the burdens of those in need in your community. It’ll be an act of worship! And hey, don’t forget to join me at and look at this wonderful photo of Betty in Uganda with her happy smile. And she’s smiling all because of Jesus, and because of Joni’s House. Learn more about it at That’s your good word today from Joni Eareckson Tada sharing hope.


© Joni and Friends