Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

The God of All Encouragement

Episode Transcription

I tell you, I could do nothing else but wheel hospital hallways, and I’d have a ministry.  I’m thinking of the time, not long ago, I was at a big city hospital back east doing some work with the medical services department.  Always and always, when I’m at a hospital — especially if I’m not there for myself — I always look for ways to encourage the patients I run into.  This wheelchair of mine puts me on the same level as patients I see walking the halls with their IV carts or being pushed around on stretchers.  I want to encourage these folks because I know from my own experience how unnerving a stay in the hospital can be.  I know firsthand how wonderful it is when — even a stranger — offers a kind word.

So I remember that marvelous verse that says, “May the God of all encouragement...”  I think to myself, “God, I know you want to encourage these fearful hearts, and I know you want to impart strength and hope to those who are faint-hearted here, what with bad medical reports and all.”  And then, I just keep my eyes I wheel down the hallway.

Well, after that talk with the medical services department, I did talk to a few folks in wheelchairs, prayed with a young girl with spina bifida.  And I thought, time to go.  I was just ready to exit... just coming up to the lobby when, unbeknownst to me, I was recognized.  Suddenly, my friends and I were stopped, almost run over by three very excited girls, one of whom was 19 years old, a happy-faced young woman named Debra. She said to me, “My mother and this friend and I were just sitting over there praying...” and her friend chipped in, “... I had just finished asking God to bless Debra here,” she said and gave her a hug. 

Well, then I got wide-eyed and said to Debra, “What do you need a blessing for?”  I then learned that Debra was having bad headaches and a lot of weakness... maybe it was a tumor, maybe it wasn’t.  At that point, they weren’t sure.  They were asking God to simply do something, show a blessing, give evidence of His presence, anything to encourage this nervous 19-year-old facing some serious medical problems. 

I said, “Well, Debra, I’m your answer to prayer. God brought me here at this exit out of all the exits going out of this hospital, and He wants you to know that He’s got it all in control, He hasn’t forgotten you, you are being embraced by Him every step of the way, and He’s going to light your way out of this darkness.  After all, He’s the God of all encouragement.” 

Debra gave me the biggest hug and I was reminded as I left of the power of Christian encouragement.  We all, we should all, give it because as Christians, we are all vessels of His blessing and strengthening.  He wants to strengthen someone today (someone like Debra).  And He wants to encourage that someone through you.  Keep your eyes open, look for opportunities, and — who knows — someone might stop you, accost you, nearly run you over, and say, “Thank you for being an answer to my prayers!”


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