Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

The Serving Surgeon

Episode Summary

On this July 4th, be encouraged and hear Joni share an inspiring story about a father named Bill Krissoff who goes off to be a battalion surgeon in Iraq. What a blessing that we live in a country alongside families like the Krissoff family.

Episode Transcription

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with a great story for the 4th of July.

            And it’s a true story of incredible patriotism and it centers around the Krissoff family. Dr. Bill Krissoff is an orthopedic surgeon, and he and his wife Christine had two sons, Nate and Austin. The Krissoffs always encouraged their two boys to have a love for their country and respect for people who serve in the armed forces. So it was no surprise that after Nate and Austin grew older, that they both joined the Marines after 9-11 and the attack on the twin towers in New York City.

            Nate was serving as a first lieutenant in Iraq and Austin was still in officer’s candidate school when Saddem Hussein was overthrown. Both Nate and Austin so loved serving in the military – and back home in the States, their parents Bill and Christine, continued to pray for their safety. How proud these parents were of their two sons serving with such distinction and honor. But then in December of 2006, while on another tour of duty in Iraq, Nate’s Humvee was hit by an IED and he was killed. When the letter bearing this devastating news arrived, Bill and his wife were stunned. However, these parents were not about to be swallowed up in their grief, especially Bill, the orthopedic surgeon.

            They both thought deeply about it, and Bill decided that the best response to the incredible sacrifice his son Nate had made was to sign up as a battalion surgeon with the Marines. But when he contacted the medical recruiter, Bill was told that he was too old. Because he was 60 years old, he would need an age waiver. It involved a lot of paperwork, and when he submitted the waiver, Bill and his wife were so disappointed to receive the news that he had been turned down. It did not look as though Bill would be able to go to Iraq as a battalion surgeon.

            However, in the summer of 2007, just 6 months or so after Nate had lost his life, Bill and Christine found themselves in a group with other parents of fallen heroes and they had come to meet with President Bush. The President took a great deal of time, talking with each family and consoling them with words of encouragement. And after George Bush talked with everybody, he stepped back and said to the group, “Is there anything my staff or I can do for you?” It was at that point Bill stepped forward and replied, “Well, Mr. President, yes there is.” He then proceeded to tell George Bush that he wanted to join the Navy medical corps as a surgeon, but he was told that he was too old. He then added, “And Mr. President no disrespect, sir, but I am younger than you are.” 

            And guess what? Within days Bill Krissoff received his age waiver. He was able to go to Afghanistan and serve as a battalion surgeon. Bill’s commander was amazed and impressed at this man’s maturity and expertise – he was exactly the kind of surgeon urgently needed there on the battlefield. When Bill returned home and was asked about his military service, you could see he was thinking of his son Nate. Fighting back tears, he said that his time in Afghanistan was the most incredible time of his life. 

            I could say more about this story, but you really have to hear it and see it for yourself. So I’ve posted a video today on my radio page and I hope you’ll take a minute to go to and see it for yourself. What’s more, since it’s almost the 4th of July weekend, share it with your friends, would you? Be inspired. Be encouraged. And be proud that you live in a country alongside families like Bill and Christine Krissoff and their wonderful sons.

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