Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

There's Room at the Cross

Episode Transcription

The cross upon which Jesus died, is a shelter in which we can hide;

And its grace so free is sufficient for me, and deep is its fountain as wide as the sea.

There’s room at the cross for you, there’s room at the cross for you;

Tho’ millions have come, there’s still room for one, Yes, there’s room at the cross for you.

I tell you, the joy of Easter – the gladness of Resurrection Day – is still overflowing, isn’t it.  And I love singing about the Resurrection – the time when the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God, and – here’s the best part – the dead in Christ will rise.

We just celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  It’s a historical fact, not to be spiritualized away.  And our coming resurrection isn’t to be spiritualized away, either.  One day actual spirits – you and me, should the Lord tarry – we will actually rise up from our graves. 

It reminds me of when our family purchased a grave plot at a nearby cemetery called Forest Lawn.  The realtor (that’s what she was actually called) stood with us in a section of the cemetery called “Murmuring Pines.”  She reminded me that what with my head “here,” and my feet “there,” I would have a grand view of the valley and distant mountains.  I failed to see how that was very important, but I did tell her that I did not have plans to stay in my grave very long.  That certainly gave her pause.  While sitting there listening to Ken and the realtor go over the papers, I looked around at the hundreds of tombstones and it suddenly struck me. Oh, my goodness! I am sitting on the exact spot where my body will rise from the grave, should I die before Christ comes.  I tell you, I got so excited – being on that grassy hillside, sitting atop my grave plot, did more to ignite the reality of the resurrection than reading any essay or hearing any sermon on the subject. 

So thank you, Jesus, and praise you for your mighty power.  You are the resurrection and the life and I bless you that eternal life is your glorious gift to me, to my friend listening, and all who will believe.  For one day, we will rise! Hallelujah!



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