Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Turn the World Upside Down

Episode Summary

Wherever the Lord places you, continue to talk about Jesus to any and everyone. The Holy Spirit will do the follow-up for you.

Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: This is Shauna on Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope. And here’s a story from Joni about her friend Diana.

JONI: We first met in high school biology class; Diana was my lab partner. And it wasn’t long before we became the best of friends. After all, like me, she loved playing the piano, she loved to sing, she loved to study, and she was a very strong believer in Jesus. Pretty cool for a high school kid, I would say. In fact, after I broke my neck in that diving accident right after high school graduation, it was Diana who helped shepherd me up and out of that long season of depression, and it was Diana who introduced me to some friends who were able to open a Bible and begin answering some of my toughest questions. Diana and I even went to the University of Maryland Baltimore County together, and I was struck by the way she turned that campus upside down. Everybody knew – or they found out sooner or later – that Diana was a strong follower of Christ. And me? Well, her bold example inspired me to do the same. Looking back, all that was a long time ago, and Diana is still following the Lord.

            And when I think of her, I can’t help but think of what happened to Paul and Silas and their Christian brothers when they preached in Thessalonica. You can read about it in Acts 17 where the people in Thessalonica said of the missionary team, “These men who have turned the world upside down.” And just what exactly did “these men” do? They simply told the people they met about Jesus. That’s it. That’s how they turned the world upside down, by telling others about their Savior. 

            And that’s a perfect description for my friend Diana, she was always talking about Jesus. Whether in the high school cafeteria, or in the college cafeteria; whether walking the campus of Woodlawn High School, or the halls of the University of Maryland, she happily made known the fact that she was a follower of Jesus Christ. She told people about her Savior. And in so doing, she helped turn her world upside down. 

            And friend, this is such good news. Because apparently, turning the world upside down does not require a PhD in divinity studies, or a seminary education, or a Bible school degree. I mean, look at the men described in Acts 17. They were just normal, average people with lots of flaws. They were not spiritual superheroes. But they were more than just hearers of the Word; they were doers – and that really grabbed the attention of the people in Thessalonica. 

            Friend, when it comes to being bold for Jesus, it starts with naming Christ, whether in your everyday conversations, or when your convictions are challenged. Just do what Diana did, talk about the Lord, and let the Holy Spirit do the follow-up. 

SHAUNA: And friend, you know that being bold for Christ comes from spending time in his Word. A great resource to go along with your Bible reading is Joni’s radio program. Go to and there you’ll find Joni’s biblical encouragement on all kinds of topics. Topics like fear, guidance, comfort, strength, courage and more. Then go out and turn your world upside down. Or in other words, tell people all about Jesus. Remember, that’s! And if you need some extra encouragement, just go to where you’ll find all kinds of resources and inspiration. Remember, that’s 


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