Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

We Must Give Account

Episode Summary

Everything you do, and everything you are is laid bare before the Lord. But in Christ, you can live life under his gaze without fear, knowing his look is one of pure love.

Episode Transcription

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with a reflection about heaven. 

             My friend Sherrill and I used to sit with each other in our wheelchairs and we would talk about heaven. Now don’t get me wrong – it wasn’t a pity party because of our paralyzed hands and legs; no, rather Sherrill and I just enjoyed reminding each other of what lay ahead beyond the finish line. And so, we spoke fondly and wistfully of the day when we would take that first heavenly step on strong, resurrected legs. And we spoke about seeing Jesus for the first time and having the chance to thank him for the grace he gave all the years we spent in our wheelchairs. 

              But sometimes when we talked about what heaven would be like, Sherrill had one reservation. It was Hebrews 4:13 where it says quote, "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account." Sherrill understood that nothing is hidden from God’s sight, but what made her shiver was that "everything is uncovered and laid bare" before his eyes. “Joni,” she said, “It’s one thing for God to know everything about us, but it scares me that I’m going to have to give a full account for all my actions. I'm worried about all the mistakes I've made, the failures and the terrible sins."

             Now I understand. I resonate with Sherrill’s concerns. And I’m certain that’s why the fear of the Lord is such a deterrent to sin. I mean once we come to Christ, we are veryresponsible – for the way we live. Every day, our actions either smear God’s good reputation, or those actions honor him. Either we defame him by our words, making him look really bad in the eyes of others, or we exalt his reputation before a watching world. Living the Christian life is serious business. 

              And it’s why our Father tells us to be holy, as he is holy. Shedding sinful habits is a key and critical sign that we're truly growing in the Lord. But it doesn't mean Sherrill has to be afraid. On the contrary, think of the flip side of hebrews 4:13 – God's eyes do not miss all the good that you do, either. The many times you hold your tongue; the times you patiently endure suffering without complaining; all those times you kept leaning on Jesus even when your pride told you to do otherwise. God notices, God takes into account the many times you hold up under pressure with a righteous response. God watches and makes note of the times you give, secretly, with no thought of getting back anything in return. God sees the times you offer an encouraging word when you are bone-tired, all of it is laid bare before his searching gaze. 

             We learn this lesson from the servant girl Hagar who once named God as "the One who sees me." That was after the Lord rescued her and provided for her in his kindness. So, friend, it’s a good thing, a very good thing, that everything we do, everything we are, is laid bare before the Lord. Maybe Sherrill's solitary and lonely apartment seems hidden away from the sight of others, but nothing is hidden from God's sight. he is taking note of her patience, her endurance, and her faithfulness. Fear the Lord; it's the beginning of wisdom. So, do the wise thing – fall in love afresh with your Savior, your High Priest, who understands every frailty and weakness in your life. Live life under his gaze knowing beyond all doubt that his look is the look of pure love. That’s your good word today from


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