Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

We Need Prayer More Than Ever

Episode Summary

There’s a lot of reasons to pray on this National Day of Prayer. God doesn’t want you to think what will be, will be. If God intends to do something great in this nation, then his Spirit will move upon your heart – revival may be right around the corner.

Episode Notes

There’s a lot of reasons to pray on this National Day of Prayer. God doesn’t want you to think what will be, will be. If God intends to do something great in this nation, then his Spirit will move upon your heart – revival may be right around the corner. 




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Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: Hi, this is Shauna on Joni Eareckson Tada Sharing Hope. It's great to know that Christians across our nation are praying today! At Joni and Friends, we're hoping that you'll be attending a prayer event at your church or in your community; I mean, our nation needs prayer more than ever. And I’m remembering one time I asked Joni, “If things are going to be as they're going to be anyway, why pray?” Well, listen in for her wise answer.

            JONI: You know, I used to worry over that question when I was first injured, lying in the hospital. Christian friends assured me that my injury was no accident, that it was part of God’s perfect plan. Now that idea did provide comfort, but late at night I would think, “Okay, if God had all this in mind for me from the very beginning, then what's the use in praying about my future? What will be, will be.” That’s what I felt, as though I had no part in helping to shape God's will, he was in the driver's seat, and I was simply along for the ride. Have you ever felt that way? When I got out of the hospital, I discovered insights that so helped answer that challenge! First, we should pray because God has commanded us to pray. Whether or not we understand how prayer fits into God's grand scheme for the world, or for our nation is not the point. The point is, our sovereign God has told us to pray, and pray we should. 

            Also, we pray because Jesus prayed. Sometimes people will say the only reason for prayer is that we need to be changed. Well, yeah, that's true, but it is not the only reason. Jesus did not need to be changed or to be made more holy, when He prayed, he was communing with his Father. He thanked God, he praised him. He asked for things. He requested power. He requested that the devil be bridled. He asked his Father to prevent what was about to take place. He interceded on behalf of others. And considering that this is National Day of Prayer, he told us to pray for those in government. Jesus prayed as though his petitions had a definite effect on the Father's design. And so, when it comes to prayer today, we are to follow in the footsteps of our Savior: asking and requesting, and petitioning and interceding, and pleading and praising, and blessing, and asking as though what we say will have a definite effect on God's design. And you know what, it will!

            When it comes to praying for America and the many challenges we are facing as a nation, we should follow Luke 18 where it says, “You should pray and never give up.” Wow! What good words, because sometimes we are so tempted to give up, aren’t we? I mean, we look at the way things are going in this country, we look at the world – oh my goodness, it’s so crazy, and we think it’s not looking very optimistic. Well, friend, don't give up. 

            God does not want us to think what will be, will be. If something is to “be,” if God intends to do something great in our nation, then his Spirit will move upon your heart, guiding you and others not to give up. Revival may well be right around the corner. And that’s reason enough to go to your knees on this National Day of Prayer. 

            SHAUNA: And listening friend, don't forget to visit our radio page at and share your prayer requests with us. And as you pray with your friends and family today let’s believe great things for our nation – for our world. Let’s pray and never give up. And if you need some extra encouragement, just go to where you’ll find all kinds of resources and inspiration. Remember, that’s And until next time, God bless you, from Joni and Friends.


© Joni and Friends