Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

What God Has Given You

Episode Summary

If you’re anxious or fearful about the future, start thinking about how much God has already given you in Christ. And then receive the things he graciously gives you in him, like contentment, joy, peace, and so much more.

Episode Notes

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Anxiety: Knowing God’s Peace - Whether you experience nagging worry or debilitating panic, God’s Word offers hope and help. In this 31-day devotional, pastor and biblical counselor Paul Tautges delves deeply, but gently, into the heart of fear and unbelief, using daily readings, reflection questions, and practical application to fuel the faith that strengthens inner security and peace.

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Episode Transcription

I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with good words to help you with your troubled heart.

            You know, when I broke my neck and landed in a wheelchair without use of my hands or legs, my heart was filled with trouble. I was full of fear – especially fears of the future. I was a bundle of nerves, wondering how I could get through it. And I needed someone to convince me that God was worth trusting. My anxiety and fears blinded me to his goodness and as far as I was concerned, God was asking way too much of me. Sitting in a wheelchair for the rest of my life? He was giving me too much to bear. The only one who “might” understand me [I thought back then], was Elisabeth Elliot, the famous missionary who followed her husband into the Amazon jungle where he was speared to death by the very people he was trying to reach for Christ. Elizabeth was left standing there in the jungle with her toddler in hand and a heart filled with grief, yet she was able to continue her husband’s mission.

            And I remember going to hear her speak at a conference and was surprised that she made time to see me. When we had just a few minutes together, I looked up at her from my wheelchair, lifted my paralyzed hands, and I asked her, “Don’t you think God is asking too much?” And she looked at me with great tenderness, and replied as gently as she could, she said, “Joni, perhaps you are concentrating too much on what God is asking of you, and not enough on what he has already given you.” Had those words come from anyone other than Elisabeth Elliot, they may have fallen flat, but after I had heard her speak, I knew her words were forged out of her own afflictions.

I may not have liked it at the time, but it was the response I needed to hear. I was putting too much emphasis on what God was asking of me, and not enough on what he had already given me. Romans 8:32 says it this way: “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” These words are so rich and comforting for anyone who struggles with a troubled heart. God didn’t hold back his own Son, but offered him up, so that you wouldn’t end in hell, but have a home in heaven. And God not only gave us his Son, he promises to graciously – and I love that word; God promises to kindly give us all things; that is, things purchased by the death and resurrection of Jesus. Things like peace. And the assurance that he will see us through. Things like hope. And the strength to persevere, as well as the courage to face the future. 

Place your confidence in Christ, and his peace will wash away your anxieties. Because you have got the rock-solid assurance that the Almighty will work it out; whatever it is. And he certainly did in my case. And I’m not talking about me writing books or having a worldwide ministry. I’m talking about the joy of the Lord and my rock-solid contentment in him. For if God gave me his Son – and he did – then whatever he gives after that is a double blessing.

So, if you’re anxious or fearful about the future as I once was, start thinking about how much God has already given you in Christ. And then receive the things he graciously gives you in him, like contentment, and joy, and peace, and so much more. Go to because I’ve got a book that’s free for you. A book on finding God’s peace through anxiety. It’s a great 31-day devotional to help you move forward in life. Oh, and one more thing, I want to send you a copy of our Joni and Friends newsletter so just go to 


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