Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

What is a Bible?

Episode Transcription

As I'm sitting here, right now, I am looking at my study Bible propped up next to my computer.  Alongside my study Bible is a paraphrase of God's Word – actually, no, there are two paraphrase editions – a Phillips and one called The Message.  And then over to the left here is the amplified version of the Bible – I like this one if I want to get clarification on a certain verse. And of course my old King James Bible which I keep for memorizing – I like committing God's Word to memory using King James.  Okay. So… what!  I’ve got how many Bibles at my fingertips?  Not including the couple Ken and I have at home?  And that little one in my handbag? And the one we keep in the glove compartment of the van?   Hey, we’ve got Bibles. 

I thought about this when the other day at our Joni and Friends staff meeting, our Wheels for the World team members gave a wonderful report on their recent trip to China delivering wheelchairs and… you guessed it, Bibles!  We were working alongside the China disability federation – this is the official government handicap organization we work alongside in order to locate the neediest disabled people who don’t have wheelchairs, and really require them.

There was one Chinese woman from the disability group who was helping us translate.  She was standing over a young disabled girl who had just received her very first wheelchair.  The girl was so excited to receive a copy of the Joni book in Chinese – the woman from the disability group happily translated all this; she had seen the Joni book and knew what that was.  But then, our Wheels team member offered the girl a Chinese Bible, explaining that it was a gift.  At that point the translator stopped and had a puzzled look on her face.  She wanted to get this word right; she wanted to convey the correct term.  So with a very serious expression, she asked the Wheels team member in English, “What is a Bible? Can you explain to me what this is?” Our team member was just a little amazed.  I mean, hasn’t everybody heard about the Bible? Doesn’t everyone know at least what it is?!  Well, not in China.  Not at least this woman. 

Make no mistake about it, not only did that young disabled girl receive a wheelchair and Bible, but the translator working alongside her received one, too.  She wanted to have a Bible when she learned what it was all about.  Romans 10:17 tells us that, “… faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.”  Oh, how precious a Bible is!  And how I thank God that Wheels for the World is not just about giving the freedom of mobility… it’s about giving the freedom of the life-transforming Word of God. Let that precious Word transform your life today, too.


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