Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Wheelchairs for Iraq

Episode Transcription

AL:  Joni, I have a letter here from Lieutenant Brian Gonyou who is serving in Iraq and let me read what he says… “Dear Joni, I work in the Air Force Hospital in Balad, Iraq, and recently I took care of a 16-year-old boy who became injured by an IED blast paralyzing him from the waist down.  I'm writing to tell you that this young man was very excited when he received the wheelchair you sent – he would most likely not have one otherwise. The generosity of Joni and Friends has made a huge difference not only in this child’s life, but many others. He will be forever grateful. Thanks again for your very kind donations of the other wheelchairs and your thoughtfulness will be remembered by us all.  Signed… Lt. Brian Gonyou, USAF.”

JONI: Wow, Al! You know… this is why I thank God for the men and women in our Armed Forces.  I really believe that people like Lieutenant Gonyou are making a difference where it counts.  And the difference, I think, is explained in Psalm 22:23-24 where it says, “You who fear the LORD, praise him!  All you descendants of Jacob, honor him!  Revere him… For [God] has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from [those who need his help] but has listened to [their] cry for help.” 

AL:  Well… there’s a 16-year-old paraplegic in Iraq who cried out for help…

JONI:  … and the Lord heard him and moved in the hearts of the soldiers in that Air Force Hospital unit in Iraq…

AL:  … and they contacted you…

JONI:  I can’t believe it, and we, in turn, were able to send those wheelchairs which have spawned a genuine attitude of gratitude in the lives of those Iraqi civilians.  People can’t help but know there is a God who cares when they see Christians share his love in such a practical way.  And it’s not just in Iraq, it’s all over the world.  It’s happening right in our own communities… right next door.  This unbelieving, dark, dangerous, and skeptical world might not know it, but it’s thirsty to see God with skin on… people want to know if this Jesus Christ really does make a difference in a life.

AL:  Well, he does and people like Lieutenant Gonyou over in Iraq are proving it. 

JONI:  And demonstrating it… so, friend listening, God has not hidden his face from those who cry for help.  He wants to use your hands, skills, gifts, and abilities to answer the cries of the lost right in your neighborhood.  Whether in Iraq… or right next door.  Thank you for showing what the skin of God looks like and feels like to those who need him most.


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