Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Where is God When it Hurts?

Episode Summary

Listen to Joni talk about how chronic pain doesn’t define her and it shouldn’t define you either. God is the only one who can deliver you from the misery of pain you experience.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

SHAUNA: Hi, this is Shauna on Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope. And Joni, you just never let chronic pain define you.

            JONI: Well, I try not to. But if some friend is listening, who’s dealing with chronic pain, hey, don’t let it define you, either. Whether you are hurting from a bad sprain that never healed, a surgery that went wrong, a tweaked back from lifting something. You know, sometimes, you can’t help but think a lot about your pain; you talk about it; you hint at the hard time you’re having. Or you just back off and shut down emotionally. You don’t say anything. You just let pain rule the day. And that’s when it ends up defining who you are and the real ‘you’ has been hijacked, and you have to admit, it scares you. You wonder, how can I live this way?  You want your life back. Now, I usually don’t caution people when pain ambushes the day. But chronic pain can hijack your resolve, lead you into deep depression, and even make you question God.

            That’s what happened to me. Back in the late 1990s when my scoliosis worsened, and I began having constant pain. The doctors suggested putting rods in my back, but my quadriplegic bones were too thin and porous. Now, I didn’t get cynical, but I did get depressed. And I did have questions for God. Which is odd because those questions weren’t about my paralysis. Back in the 1990s, I had already worked through my quadriplegia, and I was already trusting God with his plan for my wheelchair. But this was something different. This new kind of pain made my paralysis feel like a walk in the park. And I said, “God, I feel like quadriplegia should be enough of a trial. Me, with pressure sores and I’ve already got breathing problems. And now, I’ve got to deal with scoliosis pain?” Well, I got my answer in 1 Peter 4:12-13 where it says, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of his glory you may rejoice with exultation.”

            And with those two verses, God was saying, “Joni, don’t be surprised if I give you another trial on top of the other stuff. I send pain your way in order to further refine your faith. Because your faith to me is worth more than gold, and it is going to shine as you trust me with this pain. And to the degree that you cooperate with me in this new trial, to that degree, your delight in my Son who suffered will really shine. Your trust in me will make Jesus and his sustaining grace really look good on the day that he’s revealed.” Oh, dear friend. The God of the Bible is not a celestial ogre out to make your life miserable – rather, the God of the Bible is so interested in your earthly well-being and eternal welfare that he sent his one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to deliver you from a misery far, far more devastating than any botched surgery, migraine headache, degenerative disc disease, tweaked back, or pain from scoliosis.

            So, if you struggle with pain, please remember God’s special word to you in 1 Peter 4:12-13. And by the way, I shared a beautiful poem earlier this week called “Jesus, King of Pain.” And I would encourage you to go to to download the poem. 

            SHAUNA: That’s right Joni. And friend, while you’re on that radio page, ask for your free copy of Dr. John Piper’s book called “Shaped by God.” You know, pain can be God’s choicest tool in shaping in us the character of Christ. If you want to learn more, then ask for your gift today at That’s

            JONI: God bless you, friend!




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