Joni Eareckson Tada: Sharing Hope

Why Me?

Episode Transcription

AL:  Joni, in just a couple of weeks you will be celebrating the Grand Opening of the new Joni and Friends International Disability Center ….

JONI:  I am so excited, Al!

AL: I was just going to say that!  Margaret and I are planning to be there!

JONI: … and come happy, ready to sing a few celebration hymns, cut the ribbon, raise the flags, and cheer as we open the doors of this new Center!

AL:  Joni, if I were to ask you what one word describes how you feel about this new adventure, what would that be?

JONI:  Well, I think it would be the word humbled.  I am absolutely humbled at the way God is using us to extend his love and comfort to so many disabled people around the world… but I think another word would be, “why me?”

AL:  … you want to explain that?

JONI: Well, I think it’s interesting that when I was first injured, when I was first paralyzed, I was so hurt and angry, wondering “Why me?” But now, forty years later, I'm wondering “why me?” again, but this time not out of hurt and pain.  I'm wondering “why me?” in humility and praise.  How is it that God has chosen me in this wheelchair as a way for him to spread his Gospel far and wide?

AL: And you and the team will be doing that through the new headquarters for your ministry.

JONI: Which is why we call it Joni and Friends.  I'm just one of the many friends in Christ who are committed to fanning the flames of Christ’s Gospel to so many disabled people who I just know would never darken the doors of a church were it not for our outreach.  Why me?!  I have no idea why.  As we begin ministry in this new International Disability Center, I just want to keep my nose to the grindstone, my hand to the plough, my eyes on the goal, and my heart focused on following Jesus. It’s a whole new era at our ministry.

AL:  And Joni, no longer will you be recording our programs in that little closet you called a "recording studio."

JONI: that's right... and when I interview people, they won't have to sit on my lap...

AL: ... and you're not far wrong... there were plenty of times it got pretty crowded in that little closet.

JONI: ... yes, I'm grateful that our new building has an honest-to-goodness recording studio (it's about time after 25 years of recording Joni and Friends programs)!

AL: ... And much, much more will be launched from the new International Disability Center when we cut the ribbon in just a couple of weeks -- more Family Retreats, more wheelchairs, more Bibles distributed around the world!

JONI: ... and much, much more prayer!  We are praying that God will help us squeeze every ounce of ministry out of every square foot of their new building.  All to the glory and praise to God!  And that’s why I'm humbled. As we all are humbled. And why me?  Well, that I keep my wheelchair batteries always charged, that I always keep pressing on to the high calling of helping every person with a disability come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.


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P.O. Box 3333

Agoura Hills, CA 93176

©    Joni and Friends